Chapter 10

"I'm pretty sure that Obsen will be furious and immediately switch the icon of BM Magazine on the despicable woman, Alexa Canberra." Karyl hiss mingled with her jaw clenched.


"No, I will never let it happen. That despicable woman, Alexa Canberra, will never take my position as an icon of BM Magazine."

Remembering today's chaos further sank Flower into the peak of her emotions. Her chest still seemed to rise and fall, holding back the increasingly turbulent anger.

"I don't think that the man I admired for so long is the cause of my career's ruin. Watch out, Gilbert. You have to pay a heavy price for today's mess."

Not wanting to be further ignited into a sea of ​​emotions, Flower walked, slamming the door behind her, causing a banging sound. No doubt, it shocked someone who was there.

"What's wrong with Miss Flower? She looked outraged. Ah, what's the point of meddling in a supermodel's matter like her. She's arrogant and cynical."

Yes, that was how other people viewed the famous supermodel Flower Carnabel. Some people who didn't know her very well would definitely think that she was a very arrogant woman.

That was why she didn't want to know other people, especially some who have status far below her. However, behind her arrogant attitude, the woman still has tenderness.

A very dark and painful past has made her build a fort so high that no one could touch her, approach her, and mingle with her except the manager, Karyl.

"Where are you?" Flower asked by telephone.

"Why did you ask where I am?"

Furious? Of course! Flower even wanted to throw a tantrum, but she had to suppress the anger to establish a good relationship with the woman.

After all, she needed Karyl's help to talk to Obsen, the crazy CEO who always used his power to tease, harass, and even satisfy his desires to all the models under BM Magazine. And that was what made her lazy to meet the man.

"I'm already in front of your apartment. Open the door!" Flower snapped.

"I know you came here because you need help, right?" Karyl replied.

Flower looked annoyed at the question she thought was utterly unimportant.

"If you already know, why are you still asking, huh?"

"Shittt, is this how you ask for my help, huh?"

"Listen to me, Miss Karyl. I'm the model here, and you're my manager. It's so easy for me to turn things around."

Karyl immediately narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean?"

Flower smiled triumphantly. "All I have to do is tell Mr Obsen that you neglected to inform me of today's shooting schedule."

"Do you think you can threaten me like that, Flow? I would never let something like that happen."

"Then, what are you going to do, huh? There isn't a single piece of evidence that would make Obsen believe you." Flower replied in cynicism.

Karyl seemed to have a smirk on her face. "Don't forget one thing, Miss Flow. Mr Obsen will definitely believe the chat I showed..."

"Keeping chat history isn't your habit, dear Miss Karyl." Flower replied with a smirk.

'Shitttt, you're always giving me trouble, Flow. If only I didn't love you like I love my own sister, I will never let myself be trampled by you.' Karyl growled as her footsteps headed to the outside.

Karyl roughly opened the door.

"Come in.." Her sentence was stopped when she saw that Flower was no longer there.

"Shittt, always troublesome." Karyl cursed as she slammed the door violently.

She then reached for the car key, not forgetting her favourite bag. At this time, she drove her favourite car to Flower's apartment.

Arriving there, she was shocked by the blue-eyed man who seemed to be standing in front of Flower's apartment room.

"Isn't that, Mr Gilbert? The billionaire. Yes, He is Mr Gilbert. But what is he doing in front of Flow's room?" Karyl wondered.

Finding Darren there had made Karyl's body freeze.

'Oh God, why is your creature so perfect on this one? He's so perfect that I don't have to comment on his body parts.' Her mumbling was mixed with a look full of adoration.

Although from the side, his good looks really made her melt instantly. Karyl even almost fainted when the billionaire turned his face.

"Hi, you. Yes, you are, Miss. Come here!" Darren asked as he moved his index finger to signal the woman to come closer.

Unfortunately, Karyl's body was still frozen, so her eyes weren't even blinking because of it.

"Hey, you woman!" Darren growled as he approached her. He also flicked his fingers in front of her face, bringing Karyl back to consciousness.

Darren's presence in front of her face had made her stutter until her breath caught in an instant. Not only that, her body was shivering so badly that it felt like she could no longer stand on the floor.

Seeing the appearance of a strange woman in front of him had made him so furious. He then immediately walked off to the elevator that would take him down to the floor where his favourite car was already waiting for him.

"Wait, sir!" Karyl called out in a trembling voice.

The one who was being called immediately turned his face. "Did you call me?"

Karyl nodded slowly. "Yes, sir."

Darren's firm steps approached again. "What is it, Miss? Do you need help?"

'Oh my God, why is Mr Gilbert being so sweet and caring? Flow, you must see how sweet he treats me. I'm pretty sure if you see this then, you would immediately scream hysterically.' Karyl thought with pride.

"Miss, answer my question! Do you need help? Darren asked in a slightly raised tone.

"Um, no. What are you doing in front of Flow's room?"

'Oh, so her name is Flow. Alright, Miss Flow. For now, I'm in a hurry to get to the office. We'll meet tonight because we haven't finished our business yet.' Darren whispered in his heart.

He left Karyl in vast strides, showering her with lost looks.

"Mr Gilbert, wait!" Karyl called.

Unfortunately, her call was answered by the elevator doors closing tightly.

"Ah, I haven't finished talking to him yet. He's already gone. He's annoying!"

"Who's annoying?"

A familiar voice forced Karyl to turn around immediately. She then widened his eyes.

"Where have you been?"

"From the apartment of someone mad at me, so she didn't want to open the door for me." Flower answered while throwing Karyl a cynical look.

"How long are you going to keep standing there, huh? Come in!"


Next chapter ...