Chapter 24

The sentence that had just tickled Flower's ears had made her flinch until her eyeballs widened utterly.



"Karyl, you want to die, huh." Flower growled with a tightened face.

"Are you going to keep your guest standing at the door like this, Ms Flower?"

Flower immediately covered a smile that seemed forced, then made space for Austin to enter her apartment.

Without Flower knowing, Jason had just exited the elevator door. The man who has the status of her ex-fiancé also seemed to clench his fists at an unusual sight.

"Disgusting! I didn't expect you to act so lowly, Flow. It's so easy to get a stranger into your apartment. While I obviously know you very well, you never let them in."

Jason's firm steps approached Flower's apartment door. He wanted to break it and then drag the unknown man out of there. Unfortunately, his desire was in vain when he was surprised by Karyl's arrival.

"Jason, what are you doing here?"

The one who was asked didn't answer except to stare at Karyl with a flash of anger.

"Hey, I asked what you were doing in front of Flow's apartment? Would you like to meet-"

"None of your business," Jason replied along with vast strides towards the elevator.

"He's weird. Eits, it looks like he's furious. But, why is he angry?" Karyl tapped her fingers against her own chin.

"Flow surely kicked him out. That's good. He's an idiot anyway. He is already engaged to Rose but still chasing after Flow. What an undignified man."

Meanwhile, Flower was involved in an important conversation about what to do in launching the new product.

"I want everything to be perfect," Austin stated.

Flower flashed a faint smile. "You don't have to worry about such things, Mr Austin."

"As a Brand Ambassador, I want you to-"

"Everything will go your way." Flower interrupted fastly.

Even though the conversation looked serious, Austin's eyes kept stealing glances at Flower's beautiful face.

He repeatedly swallowed his saliva roughly when seeing her luscious pink lips.

'Uh, I want to taste your sweet lips, baby. Touching your soft skin, burying my head in your fragrant hair, moaning your name and sinking mine in your warmth.' Austin thought wildly.

Austin began to sink into his own sensation until something down there felt tight, as if forcing to be released immediately. Slowly but surely, his strong fingers slid down and then rubbed it slowly. Reflexively, he groaned, stifled.

Luckily, Flower didn't hear it. The woman was focused on studying the cooperation contract regarding what things could and could not be done during the contract.

Meanwhile, Austin, who couldn't contain his excitement, seemed to shift his seat closer.

'Uh, baby... from a closer distance, your fragrance makes me intoxicated. Not even touching you is driving me crazy. What if my fingers touch your soft skin? Uh, I will announce to the world that Flower Carnabel's service is very wild and undoubtedly satisfying. Uh, baby, I wish I could feel yours right now.' He mumbled to himself as he stretched out a hand to grab her slender waist.

Unfortunately, at the same time, a bell rang. He immediately pulled back his hand, as well as his sitting position.

"I'm staying awhile, Mr Austin."

"Please, Ms Flower." Austin's gaze never left Flower's ass. Even though it didn't contain anything, it made him pound wildly.

'Uh, I want to pull those slender hips up in my lap, then shower them with love and affection. Eits, love? No! Not love and affection but passion and desire.' He thought in his mind.

"Be patient, Austin. In a moment, this slender body will soon be under your tutelage." His voice was full of confidence.

His sturdy lips curved triumphantly. For him, soon, his male instinct will be satisfied. Unfortunately, that smile disappeared, leaving its owner replaced with a sense of disappointment.

"Shittt, why did this woman come here?" He growled so quietly that no one heard.

Karyl smiled. "Hopefully, my coming here won't interfere with your conversation with Ms Flower." She then turned her face towards Flower combined with a glance.

Austin immediately gave a forced smile. "Of course not."

Now, the conversation felt very boring. Karyl's presence really ruined all the well-laid plans. "Okay, we'll continue this conversation another time. Excuse me."

"Why are you in a rush, Mr Austin? Did my arrival bother-"

Austin gently touched Karyl's shoulder and gave her a slight squeeze. "Of course not, Ms Karyl." After that, he turned his gaze to Flower.

"Excuse me, Ms Flower. Thank you for your time."

"You are welcome, Mr Austin."

Without reducing respect, Flower immediately led the man to the door. Before leaving Flower's apartment, the man threw a flirtatious glance at her. "See you again at the Austin Company."

Flower replied with a warm smile.

After Austin's departure, Flower immediately threw Karyl with sharp eyes. While the one who was being stared at chose to bow her face while saying one word. "Sorry ... "

"Sorry ... you said sorry? Do you think with the word sorry, the problem is solved, huh?" Flower snapped.

"Because of you, that pathetic man has tainted my apartment."

Karyl immediately looked up. "Watch your mouth, Flow! He's a CEO."

"Who cares? Even if he's a President, I really don't care."

"You!" Karyl growled.

"Watch out if you get into trouble." She added.

Flower immediately slammed her body onto the long sofa. "Then what's the point of you? I paid you dearly to solve the problems I created."

Karyl immediately slammed her bag onto the sofa. "Just be serious for once, Flow. You always get me into trouble."

Flower's hazel eyes squirmed with sharpness. "It's me who should be angry, and not you. You annoying manager!"

"And this manager you say sucks is what catapulted your career into a supermodel. NOTE THAT!"

"Hey, you. The supermodel title isn't just soaring because of your negotiations. It's all because of my catwalk skills. REMEMBER IT, Ms Karyl!" Flower snapped in no less high voice.

"Huh, you always don't want to lose, Flow. You suck!" Karyl snapped.

'If I don't love you like my love for my own sister, it's been a long time since I left you.' She continued in her heart with her chest up and down with anger.

"Hey, you. How long are you going to stand there, huh? This couch is still kind enough to welcome you, so sit down before your legs tingle."

"It's better if my legs are tingling than-"

"Whatever." Flower cut fastly.


Next chapter ...