Chapter 25

"It's better if my legs are tingling than-"

"Whatever." Flower cut fastly.


El-Flihco Hospital

Berlin, Germany

After talking with his confidants, Austin rushed to the Hospital. Arriving there, he was surprised by a muscular body that seemed to be sitting on a hospital bed.

It appeared that the man had just finished taking a shower, as seen from his wet hair and combed back.

Austin startled in disbelief. His body even froze because of it. He repeatedly patted his cheek. "This is real, right?" He whispered as he slowly walked to the side of the bed.


A familiar voice forced Darren to turn his face immediately. He couldn't believe it.

"Austin? Is that really you?" Darren shook Austin' strong shoulders.

Of course, Austin didn't answer but gave him a typical male hug.

"Don't break my body." Darren pushed Austin' stocky body.

Austin groaned in annoyance. "Tch, you."

Darren chuckled a little. "How are you?"

The one who was asked immediately opened his chest wide. "As you can see."

Austin's eyes shortly widened. "I didn't think you would recover so quickly."

"And after I recovered, you were lying in a coma," said Austin fastly.

Darren then responded with a faint smile that even his best friend didn't know he was smiling.

"You're so pitiful. How did you get into such a tragic accident?" Austin asked.

'All of this must be because of your ex-fiancé, right?' He continued in his heart combined with a sharp look.

Darren felt uncomfortable, so he immediately hit Austin' stocky shoulder lightly. "Don't look at me like that. I'm not a criminal you want to judge, you idiot."

Austin chuckled a little. "I'm glad to see you recover. Welcome back..."

"Thank you, Austin. How long have I been in a coma? Tell me!"

"I don't know," Austin replied nonchalantly.

Darren immediately growled in annoyance. 'You've been annoying since then.' He whispered more in his heart.

Darren looked at Austin with a sharp look in his eyes. "Since when did you come back? And who told you that I was in this hospital?"

The stupid question Darren had just asked really pissed him off. The man also pressed one hand to the side of the bed while the other hand clenched tightly.

"I came back just as you were in the accident, and you asked what was that? How do I know that you are in this hospital?"


"Of course I know because I was the one who brought you here, you idiot." His voice rose slightly. There was an apparent outburst of emotion there.

As if ignoring Austin's words, a pair of blue eyes could be seen looking around. "Where is Kenzie?"

"He's still in London."

Darren's brow furrowed for a moment. "London?"


Darren immediately grabbed his laptop, but before opening it, Austin took the laptop away. No doubt, he was rewarded with a deadly sharp gaze for his audacity.

Austin, who already knew Darren very well, looked indifferent. The man did not seem bothered by the intense gaze that was as sharp as the blade of the sword that was stabbed directly into his heart.

Meanwhile, Darren was still staring at him with full sharpness.

"You're just recovering. Take your time to rest."

Angry, that was one word that described how Darren was feeling right now. His eyes even lit up.

"Austin, give me back my laptop!"

Unfortunately, Austin didn't pay any heed. He went straight to the long sofa instead.

Because of it, Darren's anger was provoked. He then threw a pillow at Austin. However, Austin repelled him quickly.

"You're very pathetic."

"I say, give me back my laptop-"

"Use your time to rest as best as possible. Let me handle the work. Oh, yes, tomorrow coincides with the launch of a new product, and I've chosen the most prestigious model of the year. You also have to use her services. Isn't the Gilbert Company also going to launch a-"

"That's still a long time." Darren cut it quickly. At the same time, he got out of bed. The man looked ready to make Austin question him.

"Where are you going? Has the doctor allowed you to go home?"

"Nothing can stop me if I've made up my mind."

"Shittt, how arrogant you are. Your arrogance is nothing compared to when you lay in a coma in an unconscious state. You're annoying!" Austin snapped.

"What did you say?" Darren asked with his back to the position. The one who was asked did not answer, so it forced his handsome face to turn briefly.

At the same time, the doctor entered the room and was very surprised by Darren's neat appearance with a mixed-and-matched polo shirt with cotton pants.

"I hope you are not violating health protocols. You have not been allowed to leave the hospital. You are still recovering and should know this-" The doctor accidentally paused the sentence when being stared at by the deadly gaze of a pair of blue eyes.

Without saying a word, Darren immediately walked out of the room. He also slammed the door very hard, causing the boom sound.

The doctor could not do anything when facing Darren's arrogant attitude. Moreover, he did not want to get into trouble with the most powerful man.

Austin got closer to the doctor then patted him on the shoulder slowly. Not wanting to provoke the annoyance of Darren Ewald Gilbert, he rushed over and followed him.

Today, Darren and Austin were on their way to the jet to be delivered to London.

Darren's handsome face turned with his eyes darkened. "How was the company's development when I was in a coma?"

The asked one seemed indifferent. He still had to lock his gaze on the screen laptop. Darren did not like being ignored and he immediately grabbed the laptop and was about to throw it out the window.

"Your company is under control, are you satisfied?" Austin replied.

'How arrogant!' Austin cursed in his heart.

"Are you also going to invite Mr Borneo to the event?"

Austin glanced at Darren. "I don't know him."

"Shitt, so you still hold a grudge against him?"

Austin growled in annoyance. "Shouldn't you be asking a stupid question like this, huh? You've just woken up from a coma, but you're already drained my emotions."

"Austin... Austin..." Darren shook his head.

"I didn't expect the young businessman Mr Austin Matthew Bholthon to be so vindictive."

Darren was too upset at his friend's attitude, who he thought was very annoying. He then ordered his private driver to increase speed. Unfortunately, the speed of the car was not as desired. Finally, he ordered the car to be pulled aside.

It was now Austin's turn to drive. The man was driving the car at high speed, making the car repeatedly make a screeching sound.

Meanwhile, Darren was constantly cursing. "If you want to die, just die alone!"

Austin's eyes glanced briefly. "Scared, huh?" At the same time, he increased the speed so that the car felt like being thrown.

"What a labile CEO." Darren cursed.


Next chapter ...