1.Ancient Statue

In the green lush filled forest, 14 years old boy can be found meditating in the cave near the pool, this young boy is named Wu Qi, He is a good-looking guy belonging to the Wu family. it is one of the three great families of Blue Sun city. Wu qi is just the normal disciple of the Wu Family, he was adopted by the elder of the family. Even though he is only adopted but is related to the elder made his status above other disciples equivalent to that of the young master, but that changed three years ago when at the age of 12 everyone starts cultivating even the outer disciples of the Wu family without any resources left him behind but Wu Qi was unable to cultivate only reason he was not still kicked out of the Wu family was because of the elder who even after finding Wu qi has no talent in cultivation, loved him and cared for him. although elders of the sect can not harm Wu Qi they still treat him scornfully also their courage increased even more day by day as even the young Master Of Wu family hated Wu qi.

Wu Qi hated himself for being trash, even though His grandfather still cared for him, he could not help but feel guilty for disappointing him. That was why Wu qi never stopped training, for continuous three years Wu Qi keep meditating so he can absorb the Spiritual Energy in his body and step on the path of cultivation, to others Wu Qi might appear trash who cannot cultivate but the truth is only known to Wu Qi.

" This damn thing, even though it can be some very precious treasure but if it cannot even allow me to cultivate then This thing is just useless" Furious and helpless voice left Wu Qi's throat as his eyes were still closed inside wu Qi hides a secret that he never shared with anyone even with his grandfather. When Wu qi was only 8 years old he has already started absorbing the Spiritual Energy of heaven and earth if someone else were to come to know about it no matter who mortal or immortal, god or demon all will go crazy as it is the law that no one can cultivate before turning 12 years old as the energy can be withstand by the body then only. But Wu Qi for some reason was more mature than others of his age group that is why he started reading all the books as his identity allowed him access to the clan's library but when he discovered that he can cultivate at the years of 8 only and got into contact with secret hiding in his body.

He decided to keep the secret to himself only, from that day onward he kept absorbing energy and he was also planning to run and hide as if someone else finds about it he was not sure if they will be still kind to him considering that he was still a kid but what he feared never happened in fact what he never excepted happened, he who considered himself heaven-defying genius was unable to cultivate even now at age of 14 and was labeled as THE TRASH.

Within Wu qi's soul dimension floated an Ancient Statue that releases an aura that surpasses everything in the world, this statue is completely ordinary or even might be considered wrecked as only a figure can be made but no feature is clear but aura shows that the statue is anything but ordinary. Every time Wu Qi looks at this statue he cannot help but feel a deep sense of melancholy as he knows everything about the statue just like himself but he still can not figure it out. For three years all the energy that he was absorbing naturally with every breath was getting all absorbed by this statue without a single ounce entering his body. At first, he was very eager to discover the secret, but he started getting pissed off as time passed and he became more mature.

" I should get going, night is about to fall I will be done for if some beat decided to come and attack".

Wu Qi started leaving the forest thinking about going to the Wu clan Wu Qi do not really feel going or even call that place home as all they do is mock him the only one who cares about him is his grandfather or Wu Rong who was the most beautiful girl of Wu clan also Granddaughter of the elder of the family. Wu Qi knows Wu Rong means no harm and she is genuinely kind to him as they were childhood friends but he also knows that just with her being near him had brought him more enemies such as the Young Master of Wu Family.

When Wu Qi was Walking Lost in his Thoughts A Shadow Suddenly Sneaked On him, Wu Qi felt great chill on his spine and immediately dodged, Wu Qi's senses were a lot sharper than even someone at Greater stage Body Refinement. He immediately ran after recovering his balance he could not help but look behind with fear . Fuck, a 2 star beast, how could i possibly escape from it?

Wu Qi felt like crying, he did not even steppped on the path of cultivation much his dream of being an peerless expert but now he was going to die just like that

'There is no way i will die even without putting the fight, since i can not escape i will fight it' \Realising his situation wu Qi immediately picked up a heavy rock from the side but yhat much time was enough for beast to leap on him

"Filthy beast, i Wu Qi will not die so easily, here take this"


Beast was really happy that it caught its prey as for what Wu Qi was saying was simply unheard by beast as it only have basic intelligence, but even than being a beast who lives in the forest it immeduately sensed the danger but unable to dodge as the stone in Wu Qi hand peirced its eye .


Enraged beast cried in misery but when it saw its prey trying to leave its eye become blood shot it rammed in Wu Qi with full force Both Wu Qi and Beast Started falling down from the cliff on th side


Wu Qi felt his head exploded when ahe started lossing senses he slowly turn around and saw blood was flowing from his head and also beast was lying some distance away from him but it was alreadt dead as sharp stone peirced its body

" Serves you right, S..hit..ty be...a" Wu Qi Ended up losing his senses soon his body stopped breathing under the illuminating moonlight from above rhe cliff one can see two bloody dead bodies a human and a beast.