2. Awakening.

In complete Darkness, eerie peace was broken by the voice

" Where am I, am I dead?"

Wu Qi tries to voice out but no voice came, Wu Qi remembers dying just now but he can't help but feel confused why can he still think. As if answering Wu Qi's doubts a bright light shows in front of him. Rays started spreading from the golden source and soon enough entire darkness was purged a beautiful world filled with golden glow was formed Wu Qi Appeared standing in the middle of the world on the ocean that seems never-ending, Golden because of the reflection.

" Wh...Where am I?" Wu Qi was very confused as nothing happening makes sense, suddenly he saw something that made him trembled, The very ancient statue that was always present in his soul dimension appeared in front of him out of nowhere covered with white ruins all over, statue trembled and converts into a figure that was unclear but still gives one impression as if it's above all.

" What are you?" Wu Qi very difficulty formed a sentence somehow when he see that blurred figure he felt nostalgic and calm that he should not feel at all in this situation.

" I know you must have a lot of questions, but I cannot answer anything right now. do not worry you will yourself know everything one day. all I can tell you is that this is not a coincidence that I appeared here. It was meant to be like this, but I can promise you that as long as you do not back down no one in the world will be worthy enough to look down on you and when I say world it does not mean the small world you know right now but the entire world that is waiting for you out there." A cold voice sounded from the figure full of power and novelty as if every world is the decree from the heavens itself, When the figure mentioned that no one will be able to look down on him Wu Qi felt immense confidence from those words and the strange feeling of trust that came from the depth of his soul towards the figure.

Before Wu Qi could say something strange runes appeared on the figure and he started forming hand seals a loud booming voice appeared in the space that was none other than the figure's voice himself.







The moment figured stopped the chant and seals his body started shining very brightly and flew towards Wu Qi and entered his body. in outside World, in late-night Wu Qi's dead body started floating ruins started appearing one by one and covered his entire body, which released strange white-colored energy and his surrounding started getting disintegrated, energy started forming egg-like structure around Wu Qi as if trying to protect him and remaining wisp of energy surrounding the egg destroyed everything in 10 meters around him even the body of the 2-star beast that was lying not very far away from him.

2 days later,

egg-like structure that was covering Wu qi's body cracked open and become a wisp of energy that entered Wu Qi's body. his body stopped levitating and suddenly fall, but the impact of the fall did not appear to be causing harm to him but it did awake him. he got up from the ground and observed his surrounding.

" Was that all dream," Wu Qi immediately sat up cross-legged and focused in his soul dimension, what he saw shocked him, he was in the same golden-colored place where he met that figure and the ancient statue was floating in the middle but there was also a giant five-colored lotus floating near it. What shocked Wu Qi more than the change in his soul dimension was that he was standing in a soul dimension which is impossible.

" How can I appear in my soul dimension, no one can do this we can only observe it with our senses. than h''

" Oh!, who told you that you cannot appear in your soul dimension" Before Wu qi could finish his sentence a gentle voice appeared near him, Wu Qi when asked with a question replied unconsciously. " I read it in a bo..o...k". The moment he realized that there was someone beside him he felt a chill down his spine.

Seeing Wu Qi"s reaction a faint chuckle was released figure, Wu Qi instantly distanced himself and turned around alertly but the moment he saw the figure he was stunned. he never saw someone so stunning, A woman so beautiful that can be described as a fairy was standing in front of him, her figure was perfect and curvy, her eyes were red and shiny black hair, coupled with black robes that appeared to be novel on her pale skin increased her beauty even more.

" Am I gorgeous?" Hearing the question Wu Qi once again reacted without thinking. he nodded his head with a faint blush on his face and said " a lot". but he soon realized what he did and his face become redder but with the embarrassment this time.

" Hehehe, how cute. so you are the one he asked me to look after and guide."

" W...who are you, and why are you in my soul dimension, who asked you to look after me?"

Wu Qi could not help but ask all the questions that were bothering him,

" Relax let me start with your first question, I am Mu Lian, the spirit of the five-colored lotus that is floating behind you, also I am bound to that statue behind you and will guide you in your cultivation but you do not need to call me master, as in a sense you are my master, it is also why I am in your soul dimension and as for how can both us be in your soul dimension is because when everyone reaches a certain level of cultivation, they can make their dimension solid it is also known as soul world manifestation realm but you possess that statue which helps you in reaching that stage and creating this place." on noticing Wu Qi was having trouble understanding Mu Lian stopped and gave him some time to understand.

After taking his time Wu Qi observed the flower behind him than the statue and asked in an astonished tone " You mean everything that happened is because of this statue, can you tell me what this statue is"

" That I also do not know but if I have to guess it somehow belonged to that guy who you saw when this world was created the first time, back in the past when I was near death he appeared and told me that he can save me but in return, I have to be bounded to the someone and guide him in future, since I was about to die I do not hesitate and asked him to save me, after that, I also awakened from my sleep two days earlier when this world was formed and found that my soul is bounded to that statue and it is bounded to you, also do not ask who that guy was since I also do not know but all I can say that he was very powerful." Mu Lian replied feeling intrigued too.

" But why did he give this statue to me, also this statue somehow revived me something magical like that why would someone give away "

" Why are you thinking so much didn't that guy say you will know everything one day, now let me tell you about your body right now, after this statue revived you, even I have in my whole life never seen or heard something like that. When you died somehow this statue protected your soul and merged it with precious natural treasures many among whom are considered only legend but never seen. then it somehow released very terrifying energy that surprisingly merged both your body and soul" seeing Wu QI once again having a blank expression Mu Lian face palmed herself ' How could I forget he just started his cultivation he would not understand a thing I am saying'

" So...sorry, can you explain in simpler terms," Wu Qi asked embarrassed thinking that she might think he was an idiot.

" Oh, no it was my mistake, you just started cultivating you would not understand this obviously, let me tell you more simply, according to the information what this statue gave me you can make your body non-existent means no one will be able to see you or sense you no matter the cultivation but its time frame will increase with your cultivation. also every time you will breakthrough you will receive some benefits from the statue." Mu Lian ended the explanation with an excited tone as she has seen countless concealment techniques but this statue claims that this nothingness soul body can become part of nothingness and no one will be able to detect it. She was eager to see its effect as she was thoroughly convinced with the ability this statue posses, even at her peak she had never heard of such treasure.

" What seriously, Would I not be able to become a peerless assassin than," Wu Qi said with shiny eyes but hearing what Wu Qi said poured cold water on Mu Lian's eagerness.

" Kid, How can you think so small, imagine if your body can become like this statue claims then you will be able to steal all the countless treasures you need for your cultivation, without getting caught, you can create countless troubles and do not need to depend on others. "Mu Lian said with shining eyes, But when she notices Wu Qi looking at her with strange gaze she becomes embarrassed, ' How could I let him see this side of mine so early, even after all this time my bad habit of steal...collecting treasures is not gone'

" Cough cough, Xiao qi let's move on to the benefits that this treasure will give you, I stopped it for now but I guess it's time sit cross-legged " Wu QI does as she says but inwardly thinking ' Who would have thought this beautiful woman will be interested in stealing, but I guess what she said was right to I will be able to steal countless treasures, ' thinking up to this point even Wu Qi eyes started shining too, which Mu Lian think was for benefits that he will be receiving now.