3. White flame.

Two stone tablets and a beautiful white stone appeared in Wu qi's mind. he immediately got attracted to the stone and focused on it. Stone reacted and started shining brightly as if it was happy for being chosen first it immediately moved towards his dantian. on reaching their stone shined even more brightly and cracked open revealing beautiful white-colored flames. On seeing flames appearing in his Dantian, Wu qi's eyes snapped open.

" There are flames in my dantain " he instinctively turned towards Mu Lian to tell her about flames but was stunned with what he saw. There was a figure floating in the middle of the world replacing the ancient statue and it was no one else but himself.

"This is your core, all the changes your body will go through, it will also go through that ancient statue transformed into it. as for more about it, I will not tell you right now since it will do you no good." Mu Lian told him when she saw him opening his eyes but a shocked expression was still there on her face, ' what kind of thing is this statue, that guy, who was he to left something this precious. but one thing is for sure that this kid will become a legendary figure that no one will be able to compare to.'

" Also you do not need to inform me about the changes you go through or things you acquire as I know everything about you since I am one with your soul in a sense, now hurry up check other two stone tablets". Under Mu Lian's urging Wu qi have to throw all the questions back of his mind and continue with what he was doing.

Next, he choose one of the small tablets and it started buzzing and converts into words that started flowing in his mind. It was a palm technique-flame palm, it consists of three moves

first, move-burning palm.

second move- dimension palm.

third move- healing palm.

Wu qi was quite excited seeing a palm technique but he controlled himself and focused on the other tablet, it was much bigger than the first one covered with a lot of ancient characters, it was similar to the other tablet that started buzzing but only a half of tablet converts into words. it was a movement technique- Cloud step. it can make one execute the technique light and very fast also can help them step in the air to improve the speed.

" Good, it seems the statue will give you the techniques according to your cultivation level since you are at peak body foundation it gave you technique that can be used now and even in next realm"

" Wait, when did I reach peak body foundation?"

" oh! after your body goes through the transformation process, you reached the peak body foundation realm, also there are some tests we have to do so go out" Seeing Mu Lian not giving him a chance to ask his questions again he can only helplessly sigh and leave that being said he was also very excited to test his new power.

He immediately came out but what Wu qi failed to notice was that his entire body was gone when he was in the soul dimension also Mu Lian forgot to mention this too if someone else comes to know about it they will hunt him down with everything to take his secret.

'Now first try using your innate ability, try focusing on your heart and you will know how to do it' Wu qi did as he was told to him, on focusing on his heart he felt heat rising from it and some information started appearing in his mind. he immediately opened his eyes and stood up and focused on his body faint white glow started shining on his body that immediately made him vanish. he immediately run upwards towards the cliff and noticed that not even his footmarks were there, upon reaching upward he noticed a 2-star beast and tensed up but relaxed upon noticing that beast does not sense his presence

' try attacking it' Hearing Mu Lian, hesitation appeared on his face after all he has never killed a beast before but remembering how he nearly died because of a beast, he become determined and started circulating burning palm, warm energy came from his dantian and covered his palm with white flame, even now beast does not notice anything. Wu qi sends his palm towards the beast with full speed the moment palm touched it, beast shriek in pain ' AH!! ' but soon it was burned and only scorch mark remained.

' Good, both technique and flames were powerful enough but this nothingness ability is truly broken. I noticed that even when you attack, no one will be able to notice you also when you are using this ability it is like you do not exist even a stone was not crushed unless you attack someone nothing around you will be changed at all, keep using this ability lets see how long you can use it.

" nice with this no one can mock me anymore, nice let's go hom...e, shit! how could I forget I was out for two days grandpa must be worried." Wu Qi started running as soon as he remembered about the time.

'i remember your grandpa telling, some sect will be holding a recruitment program soon, why do not we leave for there, after saying goodbye to your grandpa, I know you do not like staying here.'

" You are right I was also thinking the same, speaking of which you know everything about me so do you also know who my true parents are?" Wu Qi asked hopefully he always wanted to know who his parents were but his grandpa also did not know.


" aa...Miss Mu " 'You do not need to be so formal just call me sister Lian, we will be together from now on, also about your parents doing now will do you no good that is why I will tell when you will be more strong since what I knew is also not complete. but do not worry I know you will soon be strong enough to know about them'

Wu qi could only sigh hearing her, as he can not force her. He kept running towards his home and also try to execute the cloud step, Mu Lian told him that the technique he received were among the best technique he could get at his stage, and the statue may possess basic intelligence to give him technique according to his need. After 5 minutes his ability of nothingness also stopped working, which means he can only use it for 8 minutes all total.