"What benefit does sparing her offer you?" Berach demands of Najwa. "Or any of us, or WASP as a whole? Our plans cannot suffer traitors to live." His violet eyes flash fury, and Najwa, despite her sway over air, seems to be struggling to breathe, struggling to keep eye contact with Berach, trembling all over.
"You have the skills to see if there is falsehood in her," Anisha says, her tone measured and calculating. "If there be none, she is no traitor to WASP, only to Anselm."
"And he was not without his flaws," Ruadh grumbles. "Agent Sukoshku already seems more…circumspect than her predecessor."
Berach s fury instantly shifts from Najwa to Ruadh, and the meeting of their gazes is like steel on steel. Their impasse seems to last forever, and I am grateful; I need to drag this out as long as possible, and while Berach s focus is elsewhere, it s easier for me to breathe, to focus.