
Chapter 56 Out for Blood


"You mean, wipe out their entire species? Destroy humankind completely?" Sasha's voice crackles through my headset as Zoe and I make our way through fae-crafted tunnels, courtesy of Tempest and Ariadne, to our assigned station for the upcoming coup. The video feed on the tablet in my hands is fuzzy, despite my best efforts—damn internet doesn't know where we are, probably—but Berach's malevolence, at least, is unobscured.

"Holy fucking shit," Zoe whispers, a sentiment I echo. "What do you think she's going to do?"

"Ask questions and try to find another solution, at least at first," I mutter. Turbo Frog's still at least an hour out, even with their crazy speed, I calculate, looking through all the different data feeds at my disposal. And that's before we factor in getting them into the Ruling Council's chamber from the low docks.

"But after that. Sasha's never cared much for humans."