Why can t we just understand each other and have a decent conversation? Dave wondered after her and why does she have to always storm off like the devil himself was on her heels anytime they were supposed to talk things through.
Cecelia came through the screen door to meet him. "I just saw Brenda stormed out and she seemed to be in a foul mood."
"Well, Aunt, don t blame me; because it is not my fault this time. I simply fail to understand what she wants." He expressed to Cecilia. "I will be in my study if you need me." he threw as his passing statement, leaving Cecelia gaping after him.
"Where exactly is Brenda?" he asked the Aid that was constantly by his side.
"Miss Brenda will be here soon. But I can attend to whatever you need sir."
"Who are you by the way? He inquired of the woman who hardly left his bedside since he woke up again from a light slumber.
"I m a professional aid; in the employ of Mr. Campbell." She responded.