Chapter 10 The Dream


Love Is Madness By Thirty Seconds To

Mars Feat Halsey ||


The position made her body stiffening in embarrassment eternally. He was standing between her parted thighs. His shoulders tensed up as he trapped her between his two slender arms. His eyes gleamed in unknown anger, ready to brust out but for some reason, he was taking slow pace.

His order rang in her ears, enough to feel a shiver running through her spine. Isabella cursed herself for forgetting the fact that she was dealing with a beast not a human. From the scornful heat of his eyes, she could assume that how much her words angered him.

Lucien demanded for another command again, getting impatient over this weeping silence between them,


His hoarse voice shook her body lightly. Her feet shuffled together uncomfortably. A part of her wanted to yell back at him but it would only bring dangers upon her. Isabella muttered after taking a lungful breath as her encouragement,

" I just spitted the truth. We..we aren't meant for each others."

She spoke before lifting her head up to look into his devil eyes haughtily. Her impression didn't represent any show of submission. She wasn't being respectful towards him.

His wolf's pride was hurt naturally. Staring straight through her eyes where he saw nothing but a pool of stubbornness, his wolf was on surface. His hand reached out to clutch her throat, pressed hard onto her skin until her body shivered in fear lightly. His claws were brushing against her skin threateningly.

Lucien's teeth came to clench together. Stressing on his words, his voice echoed out orderly,

" Do not look into my eyes like I don't exist, Mate! If you want to end this marriage peacefully with me, there is only one choice left. Respect me, submit to me! Never trust the beast inside me. We do not take orders and disobedient isn't written in our notebook. You understand me?"

Isabella sucked a deep breath nervously under his heated eyes. One wrong word, she knew that those nails wouldn't mind to dig into her threat. Her tears gathered to come around, more likely in pain since it wasn't anything real that she dreamt of. Just like another girl, she had dreams regarding her first wedding night but who knew that her wedding night would become a threatening night?

Lucien didn't leave any room of choice for her to say. Her tears battled to fall down but she managed to squeeze few words through her pain and agony,

" I..I will try but respect me if you want respect

from me."

She breathed those words sincerely and heard nothing from him as response. Lucien shrugged a playful smile formed on his lips. Leaning forward to breath on her flustered cheeks, he murmured lowly,

" If I didn't respect you enough, you would have been writhing underneath me over the bed by now. We wouldn't be discussing so calmly, mate."

Isabella looked up at him blankly. Eyes dilated slightly, she watched him going out without sharing no more words.

The sound of door slamming brought her back to reality. Since the beast had left, she expected that he wouldn't come again. An exhaled came through her lips. Jumping off from the counter, she headed for the bed slowly, hoping that a better sleep would refresh her unstable emotions.


Lucien made his way downstairs. He knew that living with her would make her more uncomfortable and uneasy around him. It was best that they lived apart until he found a suitable reason to break their bond. Mating with anyone was disaster in his life especially now it was a human girl.

Dwelling inside his thoughts, Lucien sat down on the couch. Reaching out to fill another wine glass, he heard a beeping sound from his cellphone. His eyes landed on the bright screen and the contents,

" I am coming back tomorrow, babe. I missed you this days. Wait for me xoxo."

Lucien was little taken back after the message. Retracting his hand from the glass, his lips formed into a bitter smile. He had perfectly screwed up everything!!


2 A.M At Night,

A round silver moon was hanging at the top of sky. Only few thin layer of silver ray managed to slide through the curtains and illuminated the floor inside Isabella's sleeping room. Everything was quite around naturally. Even the occasional noise of curtains floating resounded evident.

Isabella was long asleep at that time. She was having a long dream yet so livid that she was confused whether she was living in reality or in dream.

She was walking through a dark forest. Strangely everything around her could be seen clearly though it wasn't possible as a human. Not sure about the places or destination, she was walking continuously. A dagger in her hand dazzled amidst the darkeness threateningly.

She stopped after spotting a black wolf laying aside. Her thoughts ran wild as if she no longer knew or felt what was she doing at that moment. Not stopping in her track, she charged forward and digged the sharp dragger into the wolf's stomach.

Hands stained in warm blood, her breathing began to come out as pants. The wolf in her dream snapped open his eyes. Rather than showing any wrath or anger in those eyes, she was watching a pure affection or love in those eyes.

A distant voice rang in her eyes suddenly,

" Mate! Why did you kill me? "

Isabella shuddered in her dream but there was no remorse in her heart. Instead, a ruthless soul brusted in joy inside her heart, chanting like a mantra repeatedly,

" I did it! I did it finally! "