Chapter 35 Missing

Dwayne's P.O.V

Clint arrived with the other 2, Noah and Yustef with him. I look around trying to find the only person that I was interested in seeing right now. But she was nowhere to be found.

"She can't come because she was still recovering." Clint mutter, making me give up.

Rion, Cameron, and Harid were already sitting in their places. We are now ready to hear what they were about to say. I took my place in the Center, Clint sat across me the other two followed him and took the seat on each side of him.

"I know you all have questions about us, so let's start with the legend that you all know about." Clint started, he was staring right back at me. His eyes were piercing, the way his eyes somehow looked like hers was making me uncomfortable.