Chapter 36 Three

Klaire's P.O.V

Rion never came back after he left, I still have no idea where am I. I did try using my strength to break the chains but it was useless. I have no idea how long I've been unconscious and being in this dark dungeon is not helping also.

I heard another clicking of keys, someone is coming. I ready myself just in case. The footsteps coming downstairs echoes in this quiet place. The light coming from the torch is starting to reflect meaning they are getting close.

I close my eyes because of the sudden light when they where in front of my face. 3 unfamiliar faces was staring at me. One of them was a girl with short hair, she was wearing a mini skirt and tank top showing off her figure. Her hair was dyed with the color green. Two tall figures was standing right next to her. I can't see their faces because of the light.

"Is that her Ali?" Her voice was high pitch, you can hear the enthusiasm in it.