Chapter 85: Arena II

Dwayne's P.O.V

"BEGIN!" Dale shouted, and my opponent didn't waste any time and rushed forward. He kicked me in the side which made me lost my balance.

"Not so tough aren't we?" He uttered while smirking. I didn't say anything and returned his kick.

"Not so tough aren't we?" I mutter, repeating his words. He then lividly attacked me without even stopping.

All I did was blocked him, he wasn't thinking anymore right now and just want to completely knocked me down. But before he could even do that he was tired enough that I don't need to block his attacks. I was able to see his everymore and even predict them. And with a one swift blow I punch his stomach, making him puke blood.

"You should give up now, or else you will die." I whispered to his ear. And to my surprised he was still able to stand.

I smiled to myself, their skills right now is really something that I couldn't look down at them.