Chapter 86: Dwayne

Dwayne's P.O.V

Alec and I are now both inside the Arena. And as time goes by my wound was actually starting to be a pain in the ass.

"Does it hurt?" He ask, but I know best that he was mocking me right now. I ignored him and continue to watch him.

"Don't worry I could still beat you even if I'm injured." I uttered, he started laughing like I just a joke.

"That's too bad, you aren't at your best condition so this will finish quicker than I expected." He mumbled.

And with that he jump in the air, trying to kick me in the face but I was able to lean backward, then he used his other foot transferring his weight then landing on my back. He was quicker than before, or was I being the slow one? He kicked me from behind, making me almost stumbled on the floor.