Chapter 4

Officer Robert walked towards the young men, the manner in which he used In trodding was the worst that anyone had ever seen, but then, it represents his superiority. Walking toward them, he glared at them, not wasting a second to separate his attention from theirs.

The group of three college boys sat at the brooth, they looked like Gothic, and their love for black made them looked suspicious. Their leader sat in the middle of the young guys, he had dark hair and a black star painted across his face. There is no doubt that he was a musician, in fact, they were all members of a 'rock n roll band.

While the two at the corner did their best in maintaining their stunning looks. They all had piercing at the corner of their brows, and ears, causing them to look like delinquents.

A board of monopoly was placed in front of them, while they enjoyed themselves, they also had coffees, and french fries in front of them waiting for them to devour them.

They are new in town, and as they watched Robert approached them, they barely flinched, instead, they glared at him as he looked at them with wide eyes.

Finally, Officer Robert breached the distance between the young men and himself, and from behind the officer, Lewis and his crew all had their attention boring into Robert's back as they watched in amazement, wanting to know the end of it by just looking at the beginning.

The moment the other people at the cafe watched Officer Robert approached the group of boys, they knew at once that there was a fire on the mountain at that time. They all realized that moment had already bored in their minds, immediately as officer Robert had already started approaching them, there was something terrible that was going to happen. Nothing more, nothing less.

Everyone was just staring at him as he walked past everything and the person that was found on his way. As he arrived where they were, he gave a very wild and very familiar look at the group of boys. The look that he gave to the group of boys was indeed a familiar one. As everyone in the city had known him for that.

Everyone also had already known that officer Robert is a man of few words. He doesn't speak that much but the moment he opens his mouth to speak, the words that must come out of his mouth must speed fire.

Anyway, everyone was already used to him and his capricious behaviors. Unless the new people in the city often Mumble and whisper to each other in each other's ears just like everyone else in the city. Worse still, those who have once been a victim of his frequent anger and capricious behavior. Since most often, officer Robert's behavior can not be predicted.

" Stopping in front of the young men, " Robert removed his glasses, pursuing their figures if they actually looked like what Lewis had described them, 'criminals' and was yet to discover it.

"Good morning, Gentlemen, I am Officer Robert and the head of the police force in Blackville. May I know who you all are?" he questioned gently.

At first, he received no response from them for about a minute. if could be possible, but then, that is the result he got, no answer from them. he didn't see it as a reason to fight or do something too bad to them at first because he considered the fact that their reaction might have been a little childish, as they ignored him, Robert didn't take it to heart just yet.

A minute later after their reaction, he asked in a weird and sticky voice, which was already starting to form an anger bud in him.

"Hello! young men, I said I am..." Robert's voice trained when the youngest man of the three men broke into his discussion.

"What do you want from us, huh! as you can see, we boarded only a table for three. If you don't mind, we like the way we are already, hurry along with them, go and meet your crew," he said snorting.

Hearing this, Robert's eyes widened as the young man's disrespect is so strikingly hot. Robert at this point could not believe what he was hearing. It was so embarrassing as he has never heard something that was as disrespectful as what that young man had just said to him.

Officer Robert at that point in time could not bear the kind of shame and humiliation that the young man wanted to give to him. To Robert, he was so annoyed and ashamed to the point where he was so confused about the whole situation.

At the position where Robert was standing, he started thinking and asking himself whether the young man knew who he was before he was talking to him in that manner or he does not just know who he is before he started talking to him in that manner. Anyway, Robert could not just let that little boy to just humiliate him. like there was nothing.

Robert had to do something now. While standing there, after listening to what the young man had told him with all disrespect, Robert now decided to talk back at him.

Robert, raising his head slowly looked at him with a very tense and frightful look. While doing all this, Robert was simply trying to make the young man. afraid of him. But from the hook of things, it showed already that the young man was not ready to accept to be oppressed by Officer Robert in any way.

The young man's friends were already scared about what was happening as they all asked him to withdraw from whatsoever game he was trying to play. They also tried to warn him and explain to him about how dangerous office Robert is and all the evil and wicked things he has been doing to anyone who ever tries to disrespect him or even disgrace him in public places.

But with all that his friends were saying, he didn't have time for them. He continued focusing on drinking the bottle of whiskey that was been served to him by the server. He continued enjoying himself alongside his glass of whiskey. His two friends that were sitting beside him were all shivering just at the look that was been given to him by the famous officer Robert. Officer Robert after some moment of shock and anger now decided to talk.

" Young Man, what did you just say to me? " Officer Robert then asked him with a whole bunch of surprise on his face. As he could not imagine what he was hearing that day. Officer Robert wanted to make sure that the young man was talking to him cause he could not bear that shame and some sort of embarrassment from a little boy like that one just like that.

It was so disgraceful to think of. There was the need that he should back up himself. If not, his name will be the talk of the whole year and everyone will no longer be scared of him as before. As well as little children.

The young man after hearing his question laughed very huge and portraying laughter. The kind of way that this young man laughed at him was so touching because the laughter seemed to Officer Robert more like a mockery since he could not understand why he was laughing since he just asked him a simple question.

The young man kept on laughing as he increased the magnitude of his voice to the point where everyone around them could hear the sound of his voice as he laughed out loud. The laughter was indeed a satire on the side of Officer Robert as the laughter was so provocative.

The young man was putting on a face cap that covered all his face as he was bending his head facing downward at the table while chilling with his friends and drinking his whiskey.

Officer Robert had not yet seen his face same with everyone that was found there. Only his friends knew what he looked like and who he was. But anyway, there was the need to discover who was behind that mask of his.

After the young man had laughed out loud for quite some time now, he now finally decided to answer officer Robert's question.

" No. I am talking to myself. " the young man answered while laughing again with a more sarcastic tone than before. The manner in which he was becoming so sarcastic was no longer seeming to be funny to Officer Robert anymore. There was the need for him to now react against him.

But at the same time, from what Officer Robert was seeing and with the manner in which the young man was behaving towards him, he feared for what could happen if he tries attacking him as his heart was beating like never before.

At that moment where Officer Robert was standing, it was like his heart was going to leave his body. He could barely breathe as well as he could barely acknowledge what was happening to him at that moment. To officer Robert, it was more like his whole world was coming to an end.

Officer Robert felt like, for all these while that everyone had been very scared of him, because of one little boy, all the fear that everyone had ever had for him will just die down so fast. Anyway, officer Robert had already made up his mind that he will not give up nor will he ever allow, and accept that the young man should ever make him lose all the prestige that he has ever had in his entire reign.

" Does it look like am talking to anyone here other than you? You intruded I and my friend's privacy and when I am replying to you, you start asking me if I am talking to you. No. I am talking to myself. " The young man continued talking to him with all confidence and boldness that he didn't fear him even a little bit.

Everyone in the bar was just wondering and mumbling and gossiping as they were all whispering to each other talking about what concerns the issue at hand. They all could not believe what was happening as they were all happy in their hearts that at last, someone that can challenge officer Robert is now there.

They were all happy as well as they were so sad that the young man will be punished severely after this for trying to challenge and talk back at Officer Robert. They all felt a lot of remorse for him as they all knew the consequences when anyone tries to go against the will and commands of officer Robert as well as when someone tries to go challenge him in public.

The humiliation was not just the best as it was so embarrassing just to think of it. " Can you leave me and my friends to chill and have fun just within ourselves now? We don't need people who are not invited to come here. Thank you. " The young man finished by saying this to Officer Robert.

Officer Robert being offended to a fault could no more bear this. To offer Robert, this was the peak of rudeness and disgrace. He has never been this humiliated all his entire existence. To Officer Robert, that was the ever first time in his life that he has ever received such an embarrassment.

He was not ready to accept it. In order to calm down the situation and not make people think that he is afraid of the young man, he decided to just fake something to say.

" I will get back to you some other time. " officer Robert said faking his mood as if he was serious. it was a way for him to go away without being humiliated