Chapter 5

Officer Robert receiving the highest and greatest humiliation of his life that he had never ever received ever since his reign was walking back to his seat. Once on his sit, he was no longer himself. Officer Robert could not stop thinking about what just happened to him in that bar.

His friends who came there with him asked him if he was ok. But officer Robert is still covered with a lot of shame and humiliation following the scene that just happened between him and the young man from the gangsta club.

" Robert, are you ok ? " asked one of his friends that came along side with him to the bar with some sort of worry on his countenance. He was looking at officer Robert keenly to really see and know whether he was actually fine so that they can continue chilling together or not.

Officer Robert, at that point out of anger and Shame, could not answer him. His heart was literally melting as it was bitting about three times at once in a single second.

Officer Robert had almost had a heart attack cause no one had ever spoken to him the way the young man just spoke to him that day. Any way, with out not with standing, he had to keep his calm so that people could not recognize that he was actually frightened cause of the young man who just spoke to him in a very disrespectful way.

How ever, officer Robert can never ever forget this scene that the young man just created. He had him in mind and he had already planned that he will make sure that he pays for the humiliation that he just caused him.

No one touches and messes with officer Robert and goes freely just like that. He will have to pay with his blood, not now but later.

" Let's go. This place has become very irritating to me. I can no longer stay here for a second. The atmosphere has become so bad and uncondusive for me to bear. " said officer Robert while putting on a very serious countenance as his facial expressions were much more very serious than it has ever been before.

He was not ready to be happy with any one around him at that time. Every one that saw him at that moment could know immediately as they could see it from his countenance as the anger he had on his face was very portraying and visible.

How ever, the did have been done but officer Robert since he is the way he is and since he does not want to hold and bear such a humiliation from a young man like that. He had already made up his mind and he was bent on punishing the young man for what he did.

As officer Robert and his friends were on their way leaving the place, officer Robert now turned at the door looking towards the direction of the gangster boys. Focusing his eyes directly on the place where that particular young man was sitting.

He wanted to make sure that he sees his face a little bit clearer so that he could be able to attack him when ever he sees him. He was so annoyed at that particular young man that he could not express himself.

When he turned to look at the young man where he was sitting, he could not really see his face because he was putting on a face cap that was covering almost all of his face. The only thing that he could see was his mouth.

" Robert, let's go. Enter the car. " said one of his friends to Robert who was still standing at the door trying to look and make sure that he sees the young man's face very well.

How ever, he had to go since he could not see him clearly. But he had a little clue about what the young man could look like with out having nor putting on any face cap.

As he left the door of the cafe on his way towards the car. All his friends were already in the car. Officer Robert was the only one who was left. The moment he entered and locked the door, he turned and looked at the window side where the young man was sitting. Immediately, he noticed that the young man was looking at him very keenly.

But the irony of it was that, officer Robert could not still see his face clearly. The face cap the young man was putting on was too down for him to see his face clearly. Officer Robert even wondered how the young man did to see him as he could not really see him very well.

As their car was driving away Officer Robert noticed that the young man was still looking at him. Just from the young man's attitude, he could say for certain that the young man had a lot of courage it him. To the extent of talking to him badly with so much disrespect and to the extent of making him to be humiliated in a very big public place where every one there knew him. As well as still have the courage to challenge him and now he is looking at him through the window.

To officer Robert, the young man was just so annoying with that his behavior. But at least he could now see and experience how it looks like to be disrespecting and humiliating some one in public. But officer Robert with the way he was and how he has always been behaving, he will never stop treating people the way he has always been treating them.

To officer Robert, all what he has been doing is very good and pleasant to him. He loves Makin people sad. Making people sad is the only that can make him happy in all of his existence on earth. Nothing more, Nothing less. It has always been the case cause of his stay with his grand mother at the age of five years old.

Officer Robert's grand mother Madam Margaret was a very staunch and cruel woman. He was sent to live with his grand mother by his father since he was still very little and his mother died at child birth.

There was the need for officer Robert's father to go on out side and look for a job that can make him have a lot of money in order to take care of his son officer Robert. At that moment, being with officer Robert and Workin at the same time was not that easy for him because, at all times, he had to be running to and fro looking for ways to get back home just to meet Officer Robert at that time to see if he was doing just fine.

At that time, officer Robert was still very small and did not really understand the suffering that his father was going through at that moment. officer Robert's father, after suffering and struggling for over some time now, decided to send him to his mother's Margret's house.

To officer Robert's father, that was the only good option that could make him feel at least even more better because he saw that, if officer Robert continues being there with him, he will never be fine as he does not really have time for him.

How ever, officer Robert's father struggled and negotiated the fact that he wanted Robert to go and start living is mother. Finally, he negotiated for a long time with his mother, and at last, he succeeded to convince his mother about what was happening and his mother finally accepted that officer Robert should come and start living with him.

On the day he was supposed to go and start living with his grand mother, his father packed every thing that belonged to him in the house and put it in a small school bag. This was because officer Robert did not really have so many things in the house since he came out from a really poor background.

When he saw his father packing up his things, he was so confused as his father did not yet tell him why he was doing that. Though officer Robert was still very small, he was already reasoning by then at the age of five.

" Father, where are we going to? " Robert asked his father with a tiny voice looking at him with a very sorrowful countenance. He was thinking that they both were traveling to a far away area just to be with each other.

" I am going to allow you at your grand mother's house ok? You will start staying there for some time, then when am done with every thing, I will come back there and take you ok ? " officer Robert's father said with a sorrowful countenance. He meant every thing he was saying to his son Robert as he promised him.

" Father, do you really have to leave me alone? " Robert asked his father with a very sad countenance as he was very sad with the whole situation and most especially knowing that he was going to allow him all by him self with his grand mother.

Officer Robert at that time had already become too close to his father that he could not do any thing with out him. Nor could he stay alone for a long time with out his father beside him. It was not an easy task to carry out but he had to do that.

It was not a good idea and decision for his father to Lea him at that tender age but as he thought it was very necessary for him to carry it out. It was a very good thing for him any way.

" Baby, I have got no choice ok? I do not like the idea that I am leaving you behind just to find money to take care of you but in this case, I have to do it. " officer Robert's father said to his son Robert putting on a very sorrowful countenance which had already taken hold of all his face.

" I promise to come back for you ok? " officer Robert's father said to his son Robert as he was promising him that he will not leave him behind but come back for him later. This was evident as he took his last finger and crossed it over on his son's own last finger as a sign of promising his son and assuring him that he will come back and look for him later unfailingly.

He wanted his son to believe him as he has always been believing him. It was not an easy task but he had to carry it out. " Father, can't you allow me to continue living here? Don't want to go with out you. I don't want to stay some where if you are not there beside me, holding my hands and talk to me the way you always do. " Officer Robert said with a tiny voice and tears gathering in his eyes already.

He was about to cry cause of every thing that his father was telling him at that particular moment in time.

" Robert, you are now a man. ok? You should be able to stay away from me even if I am not there. ok? I know it is not easy for you but I promise to come back for you. Just want you to trust me as you have always done. " said officer Robert's father with so much sorrow and regret as he can not believe they he was actually doing what he was doing at that moment. Any way, he had to do that because he had no choice.

" Ok father, I will do as you said. " said officer Robert with a tiny voice and putting on a sorrowful countenance. He can not judge his father for taking such decisions but all he knows is that he trust his father and knows that he is taking such decisions for his sake and just to make him happy.