Once done with packing up Robert's dresses and every thing that belonged to him in to the small school bag, he now took him by the hand as it was time for them to take if for Robert's grand mother's house. As they both entered the car sitting along side each other.
The car Robert's father had was an old fashioned car at that time. Which was almost completely bad. He had no choice than to continue using it because, having such a car was way more better than not having any of that.
Robert's father now in the car with Robert was trying to make Robert see reasons with him for taking such drastic actions that can end up affecting him in the whole of his life. a
As well as he equally tried making him laugh but it seemed like none of what he was trying to do was working. Nothing actually worked not even a single joke that Robert's father cracked for them to laugh.
Robert while being very innocent at that tender age could not oppose his father for carrying out such a thing. He could not say any thing against his father so he had to just sit quiet and do as his father was instructing him.
It was not an easy thing to do but there was the need for him to do that cause it was for Robert's sake and for Robert to have at least a little comfortable life.
Once they both arrived at Robert's grand mother's house, Robert's father helped him to come down from the car. As well as he also helped him to bring down his small school back which contained some of his belongings.
Once out of the car, Robert saw a very big mansion standing directly in front of him. Immediately, Robert had already started thinking that, that was the house where his father was bringing him to.
Robert was thinking about that because, actually, Robert has never really been to his grand mother's house. So, he did not really know how his grand mother looked like nor had he ever gone to visit her at her house before.
Robert seeing the house was so amazed with what he saw.
He had never ever seen some thing that beautiful in his life before. He was so excited as he wanted to enter the Mansion with no hurry. He has always wanted to live in such a house but it has never been possible for him. Robert was standing right in front of the Mansion speechless while his father on the other hand was trying to bring out the rest of the stuffs from the car.
The kind of mansion that he saw was just so inexplicable. The Mansion had a very clean and charming white paint on it. The different poles of the house were covered with the baby blue color.
The stairs that were found at the entrance of the house were covered with tiles of the brown color made up of marble. It had white strains passing on it from left to right directions giving it a very nice, sweet and wonderful nature.
Indeed, the design of the tiles was a wonderful one. It could not be explained at all. Robert still being very naive and still very small at the age of five was just so excited with the whole issue. He could know longer believe what was going on at that moment.
Every thing was just so amazing as he was so excited to go into the Mansion and see what it contains. How ever, it was a very normal thing for Robert to be that excited because he was a kid and it was normal for kids to be so excited over such things.
Robert's father noticing that Robert was that excited was wondering what must have made him to just change his mood just like that in no time. He could not believe either that Robert who was so moody just now is now very excited just now for nothing.
Any way, his father was happy that at least Robert could now put on a smile on his face. His facial expression at that point in time was just so appealing to the soul and the mind. Robert's father was so happy too seeing that his son was finally seeing reasons with him. Robert's father had not yet understood why his son was acting in that manner as he continued removing things from the car with out waisting any single second.
Robert standing there and seeing the structure of the Mansion was already in love with it. He had already started thinking about all the good things that could be found in that mansion.
He was picturing how the the living room could look like, with a chandelier at the center of it, the couch and sofa how they will look like, the different accessories that could be found in the house and how his bed room will look like in the mansion.
He also started picturing as well how his grand mother will look like and started asking him self questions about if there were maids in the house as well as he was asking him self whether his grand mother was leaving in that big mansion a lone.
But at the same time, he said to him self that it could be so boring living alone in such a big mansion. He had already made up his mind that no matter how boring the house can ever be, it will always be fun because will always be beside his grand mother.
But after standing in front of the Mansion for about two to three minutes straight, he starting telling himself immediately that, if his father is living in such a house that is very poor with no light and a very low standard of living. Robert and his father could barely have three square meals a day.
They have been suffering and living from hand to mouth. It has never been easy for them as such evil things have been happening to them. How ever, it was a good thing that the kind of condition that Robert grew up with made him to be more strong and stronger every day that passed by.
How ever, Robert was still having that doubt and thought that was still going on in his head with out stoping as he was still thinking and asking him self questions about the fact that his grand mother was living in such a nice and comfortable house, where as him and his father were living in a house that was not worth for humans to live in.
He was still asking why that was so. He was asking him self why is it that his father was living in such an abandoned place while his grand mother was living happily in a sweet and nice mansion.
The questions that he was asking him self in his heart were kind of too many. But as usual, there was the need for them to be all answered by some one. All Robert's questions needed answers. And his questions did not only need answers but they needed tangable and solid answers.
Robert at that time being very young was a very I telling young boy. He was always the best in his school though his dad did not have money. He was the top of his class as from five here's, there are several things he knew already.
He was just amazing in all domains though he was a kind type and was not always making uselessness noise. With all the knowledge that Robert had aquired just at that tender age, made him to start thinking so fast.
It was very difficult for some one to lie to Robert because just at that age he was already reasoning not like the little boy that he is but more like a very big and matured person. He was a very good boy at that time. Though his father did not have enough money to take care of him at that time, his father made sure that he could put a smile on his face as well as he had made his maximum best just to make sure that he could pay Robert's school fees with the help of the various odd jobs that he was trying to do from time to time.
How ever, it was kind of a good thing because, Robert's father was trying so hard to make him happy as well as he was very hard working just to make sure that he could provide the most essential things for him and Robert in the house. It was not an easy task and it had never been an easy task since Robert's mother had died since from Child birth. It was not easy for Robert's father to take care of him alone as a single father.
How ever, the deed was done. He just had to take things the way he was seeing it although life had become so unfair to him and his father. Robert had always been a strong young boy just from the unset as he was always over coming all situations and hard times that he was going through with his father.
How ever, he was so excited to get in to the house but first of all, he needed some clarifications to all his doubts. He needed some one to answer all his questions as he decided to finally ask his father all the questions that he had been reserving in his mind ever since he started standing in front of the mansion.
" Father.. " Robert said with a little and soft voice just as it has to be for a young boy of his age looking at his father as he struggles to remove some left over things from the car. Robert at that point in time was looking at him with a very sorrowful and tender look.
His countenance was just so amazing to look at before but it was no more a good one as he had already started putting on a sad look. He was just hoping in his hear that what he had already started thinking about just now should not be true.
" Yes Robert... What is the problem? Do you want any thing? " Said Robert's father with a very normal tone as he was now happy and had already forgotten that he had problems due to the fact that he had noticed that Robert was already feeling better and was happy.
To Robert's father, seeing Robert happy was the best thing that could have ever happened to him in all his life.
If Robert could be happy, then his father will be very happy as well. Robert's happiness has always been his father's priority. As he can not with stand the joy in seeing his son Robert being so happy.
Robert's father was still very concentrated with trying to remove every thing that was found in the car thst belonged to Robert. He was almost done with bringing out every thing as he noticed that Robert had not yet answered his question. He hurriedly finished what he was doing so that he could attend to his son and see what was going on.
Once done, he now went down from the car and saw that Robert was standing there helplessly. Instantly, he was so confused as he started thinking that just now that he saw that his son was very happy and excited for what so ever thing that he doesn't know, he has already turned back to his previous mood.
Robert was already so sad than before. His father was just so confused that he did not even know what to think. He could not understand even one bit about why his son was behaving in that manner. But at that point in time, the only solution was to ask him.