Jeremy Ace, A young man who lives alone in a deserted hill in Houston Texas.
He was only 28 years old when his wife was killed by his boss named Greg who was an arms dealer.
Ace happened to have to have stoped a massacre from occuring,he was instructed to deliver a truck loaded with ammunitions. But after receiving a clue from his friend that the weapons were going to be used to attack innocent protesters.
Ace didn't deliver the weapons and this made his boss angry. Ace and his family were seized and both his wife and don were killed by his boss, Greg.
Ace was also forced to live in an hill far away from Houston, to be killed if seen anywhere near the town
Ace was angry and he seeked revenge for the death of his wife and son. But this seemed impossible as he had no connection to the city again.
Fortunately he stumbled upon an stranger who got lost, Her name was Jane Harrison.
As the story progresses Jane realised that her father was responsible for the ordering of the weapons that were supposed to be used to attack the protesters.
So knowing well that helping Ace would put her father in danger, Jane was left with a hard decision,either she helps Ace get his revenge or she goes and never return.,