Chapter 34

Jared manages to convince Miles to visit Ashley the next day after getting a full night's sleep. Because of that, he has to stay in Miles' house to make sure he is actually resting and not sneakily going to drive ono the hospital.

"Is mommy going to be okay?" Aiko's voice shattered the silence between them as they continue walking around in the hospital hallways.

"Yes... Don't worry, sweetie. I'm sure Mommy will be fine, especially since we will be there by her side," Miles reassure Aiko as he clasps her hand.

They finally reach the room where Ashley is admitted, taking a deep breath Miles pushes open the door.

"Ash?" he called out as he peeks through the door.

"Miles? Come in, Ash is just at the lab. Is that Aiko? Sweetie, I miss you!" Sasha, Ashley's mother greeted them as they enter the room.

"Mommy Sasha!" Aiko greeted cheerfully as she runs to hug her grandma.