Chapter 11 Dr Fanrock

Everyone looked. The hostess came to the door and opened it. Into the room entered a man of rather ripe mid-ages. He had a very particular appearance. There was something uncommon in his build. His height was a bit lower than medium but his shoulders were very broad and his hands – large. It is really difficult to describe his figure... It seemed to be somehow ungainly.

"Dr Fanrock! How are you? We haven't been expecting you today," Mrs Peterson began brooding her one more guest.

"Good wishes to you, Mrs Peterson. I just wanted to see my good friends and to ask forgiveness," the visitor said. "I had a very troublesome night so, alas, I overslept the sermon."

"Don't mind, doctor. Please accompany us. We have here very special guests."

"Do you? I'd like very much to be introduced to them..."