Chapter 25

As Adrian started his fight, the wolves went into their battle formation again. This time they couldn't get into the real battle formation since the other 2 wolves were blocked by the other warriors.

The thrust he charged in with, didn't hit anything though. The wolf managed jump away from the thrust, while another wolf jumped straight at Adrian. It was happening just like the first fight he had with wolves.

This time Adrian was ready for the second wolf to jump him though. His spear swung from overhead, straight towards the head of the wolf. The spear hit, and the wolf were smashed to the ground with a whimper. This smash made a small tremble in the ground.

It didn't really affect the wolf much, so it stood back up, shook its head, and went back to the other two wolves. These wolves were much stronger than the ones he fought when he saved Joanna.

This time all the wolves started attacking Adrian. The first two wolves went on each side of Adrian, while the last one charged straight at Adrian.

The two from the side started charging so all of them would hit Adrian at the same time. It was a pretty good pincer attack, since no matter where he went, the wolves would be able to hit him.

Just before they would hit him, Adrian charged backwards. Then he only had to deal with the wolf charging straight at him. The other two just ran past each other, before they started charging Adrian again.

Adrian now thrusted his spear straight at the wolf that charge at him. The spear hit it, and went deep into the shoulder of the wolf. It did not seem to care though, as it swing its claw, and made a deep cut on the chest of Adrian.

Adrian didn't scream, but it did hurt badly. Now he saw that the other two wolves were coming, so Adrian loosened his grip of the spear. He pushed the wounded wolf of off his body, while he pushed himself away from the other two wolves.

The other two wolves just changed directions though, while pouncing on Adrian again. The wounded wolf was just standing in the back now, on three legs, and didn't want to fight anymore. It was too wounded to do anything.

The two pouncing wolves tried to hit Adrian at the same time. Adrian evaded one of the wolves, while the other wolves scratched his shoulder and made a small wound there.

Adrian tried to dash straight at the wolf with the spear in the shoulder, but before he got there, one of the wolves from the other fight charged at him. It used its body to smash Adrian to the side, he flew ten meters before hitting a tree that stopped him.

"Can't you f*cking keep two wolves occupied?" This angered Adrian a little. They were in a dangerous fight, and now Adrian knew he could not trust these two with his back.

He got up from the ground, and dashed towards the spear in the wolves wounded shoulder again. This time though, he evaded the wolves trying to stop him. Now he was three meters away from his spear.

As his anger was high, he didn't really care about getting wounded anymore, and he started to get a little more reckless. He was just charging in, trying to get the spear, without checking his surroundings.

He got a hold of the spear, and pulled the spear out of the wolves shoulder. But a wolf suddenly came from behind him, and bid him in the shoulder. The wounded shoulder now to its chance and bid his other shoulder.

Adrian stood there, He was in a massive amount of pain. His anger was skyrocketing. He was angry with himself. How is it that he can not even kill three wolves? These wolves are not that much stronger than him.

He was so angry that he released the skill 'pressure.' because he was so angry, the skill hit the wolves many times harder. The wolves biding him were the closest to him, and therefor they were hit the hardest.

The pressure smashed them to the ground, making a little dent in the ground where they were. Adrian was so angry, that his face had gone back to looking calm and icy.

The two wolves lying beside him could feel real fear at the moment. Adrian stabbed bother of them straight in their heads. They died on the spot.

[level 20 Demon wolf slain!)

[level up]

[2 new distribution points!]

[Level 18 Demon wolf slain!]

Adrian started moving towards the last of the three wolves he were fighting. The wolf couldn't do anything because of fear. Adrian did the same to that one, as he did to the other two.

[Level 19 Demon wolf slain!]

[level up]

[2 new distribution points!]

Now there was only two left. One of them were frozen in fear, while the other one had a battle hungry face. Adrian was surprised about this, and when he saw it. It calmed him down by a lot.

"You guys kill that one frozen in fear, I want this other wolf!" Adrian was getting excited for the fight again. This wolf seemed really strong.

The other two warriors just looked at Adrian with a shocked gaze. Adrian was terrifying, he was so young, but still this strong. They snapped put of it a second after, and gave Adrian a small nod.

Adrian dashed at the wolf, He was ready to fight again. His wounds didn't help him though, but he really couldn't pass up this fight.

As he was getting close to the wolf, he swung his spear to the legs of the wolf. The wolf jumped straight up, and swung its paw to hit Adrian's face. Adrians 'Instinct' jumped in, an Adrian's head swung to the side.

He this time thrusted his spear towards the wolf. The spear hit the wolf in the chest. It did not penetrate too far, but still enough to draw quite a bit of blood. He now used the skill 'Perforate' and hit the wolf 3 more places.

The wolf did not have a chance anymore. It chose to accept defeat, and lay down on the ground. Adrian was surprised by this, this was the first wolf to do that. All the other wolves fought to the death.

The other two warriors had also finished of their wolf. It had also fought to the death. Adrian looked at this wolf, and he could not help but wonder, why would this wolf be like this?

"You giving up wolf?" He did not know why, but he chose to ask this question.

The wolf looked at Adrian, looking at him like he was some kind of idiot. Why would a human talk to a wolf? There was also fear in the eyes of the wolf. It really did not want to die.

"You don't want to die, right?" He still looked at the wolf, he had a feeling that the wolf understood what he was saying.

The wolf shook its head, it understood what he was saying. It did not want to die though. Adrian was looking at this wolf, he felt close to it. Probably because this was a battle freak of a wolf as well.

"You want to follow me then?" Adrian gave it the choice. He wouldn't mind having a companion with him. He didn't know if he could trust the wolf though, but he knew he was stronger, so he could just kill it if something went wrong.

The wolf looked at Adrian with shining eyes, this meant that it could live. There was still a little reluctance though. No wolf wanted to submit to others.

"I promise to treat you well! Aaaand ... there will be lots of fights!" The first part of sentence was said with an indifferent look, while the latter part was said with a battle hungry smile.

The wolf now showed a battle hungry smile too, and gave Adrian a nod. Adrian couldn't help but think 'It really is like me.'

"Are you an idiot?! How can you trust a wolf?" The man with a hammer chose to bud in now.

"Worry about yourselves!" Adrian gave him an icy stare. He was still angry with them letting a wolf attack him.

Adrian went over to take ears from the wolves, to proof that he had the task. He looked at the wolf that would follow him from now on. He was worried that it might get angry, but to his surprise, it just looked at it with indifference.

Adrian saw this, and just continued. If it meant nothing to the wolf, it would mean nothing to him.

"Okay wolf, lets go back, nothing more to see here!" Adrian again turned to the wolf, and said this.

They now started walking back to the capital again, while leaving the other warriors behind.