Next Task

As Joby woke up the next day, he saw a squad of ten men around him. These ten men were the soldiers under him, and as they saw Joby wake up, they were all ecstatic.

"Morning sunshine, sleep well?" Lark started laughing while saying this sentence.

Joby just smiled at him; this meant he was okay. He was the joker in the group; if he could make jokes, everything would be fine.

"How are you all doing" Joby was still worried about these guys.

"We are all fine, nothing to worry about!" Lark answered straight away. "Do you want to hear something amazing?" Lark had a very excited look on his face.

"Yeah, come with it!" Joby was interested now.

"Some soldier from the main army that saved us told me that Romeo was our final man standing," Lark said with a smile. He was very proud of Romeo, who was usually the coward of the team.

"Oh" Joby was amazed, but he couldn't help but feel proud. "Romeo, well f*cking done!"

This comment made the shy Romeo blush. He was pleased that he could protect them. Even though he was a coward, he would never let these brothers die before him. He would rather die than see any of them fail. This was true for the whole squad.

As Joby could feel the brotherhood of this group, he couldn't help but think back to his childhood. He had one childhood friend that was like a brother to him. How was he doing?

- In the capital, at The Lush Seals inn-

It was now morning, and he was ready to start the day. It would be a day like every other. He would go down to the adventurers guild and find a mission. This time though, the hall was completely empty.

He could hear loud clanging from the enormous hall with the battle arena. So he went there straight away.

As he got in there, he could see that all the adventurers were in here. Two people were battling in the arena. One of them was the guild master, while the other fighter was someone he had never seen.

The one he didn't know was a magician, or to be more precise a battle mage. He was using a sword while also using magic. He was strong, as strong as the guild master at least. The way he fought was unique; he had weird movements.

Adrian thought of this as a good learning lesson; he kept his eyes on the fight. He already knew that the guild master was a brute force character.

The battlemage, though, had more agility than strength. His intelligence stat was probably high too. His movements were done mainly by magic. He flew around and teleported in different directions.

Sometimes he would even disappear to reappear right beside the guild master. The fight was even, and no one won the battle in the end. They ended the battle with a smile and a fist bump.

They seemed to be great friends. It was an incredible sight to see. They went out of the big hall and up to the upper floor as the battle was over.

Adrian was very amazed by the battle he had just seen. He didn't see everything that happened, but the little thing he saw inspired him. The unique movements of the battlemage were something that Adrian thought would benefit him a lot. So, it seemed like he really did need to learn some magic.

He still didn't have a clue how to do it, though. He needed a reliable teacher who could teach him the basics of magic. Magic might be something connected to intelligence, but you still need a way to learn magic. Just like you need to practice thousands of swings before learning the skill 'swing' that Adrian had learned.

This process will be shortened with a good teacher and a training manual. If the teacher is not good enough, though, and shortens this process too much by dictating how he learns, the power of the skill will not be the same.

Adrian chose that he wouldn't think more about this matter, and he decided to find a task. He needed some money by now. He wanted to save his gold for an emergency and would rather use the funds from adventuring to survive.

As he was looking for a task, he actually found something interesting this time. It was a task about exterminating a wolf pack's hideout. It was ranked at his level because it was believed it was low-ranking wolves who had deserted their old pack.

He chose the task because, at the end of the paper, it said, 'chances that this task will rise in rank, beware of extra danger.'

This excited Adrian; the more danger equals more fights. He loved fighting, so why not try to seek out the fights.

He went to his receptionist to accept the task so that no one else could take it. She couldn't help but give Adrian a warning herself. She thought it would be too dangerous for him, but he only smiled at her while walking out of the guild.

The task took place in the mountain behind the capital. The mountain that was known for all its dangerous monsters. It was only at the foot of the mountain, but it was still very dangerous for an adventurer at his level.

As he moved out of the capital, he was amazed at how big the mountain was. It was a massive mountain, higher than the clouds. It was filled with trees, a huge river going down the side, and you could see a river of magma on the other side.

The side with the river looked peaceful and vibrant, while the magma site looked toxic and deadly. There had always been a saying, the most peaceful-looking roads are usually the most dangerous.

The mission Adrian was taking was on the magma side. It was at the bottom of that, though. There were not many trees, and the soil there was completely black.

He started running towards the destination the task had told the wolves were in. On the way there, he saw many dead bodies. There were half-eaten and decaying animal bodies as well as humans.

It was a brutal sight to see; Adrian had never seen anything like it. This was really the most dangerous part of the country. A lot of people died here every day, primarily adventurers, though.

Suddenly he heard a scream further down the road. He ran as fast as he could there. When he arrived, he found that a group was fighting the wolf pack Adrian was supposed to exterminate.

The guy that screamed was now on the ground, with a leg ripped off. There were three people in the group and five wolves against them.

The other two were a woman and a man. The man had a massive hammer in his hands while he was around two meters tall. The woman was standing behind him with a bow and arrow. She was around 175 cm tall and had a slim figure.

The two that weren't wounded now had to fight all five wolves when they were two now. They were losing the fight pretty overwhelmingly.

The wolves were cunning creatures, so they knew exactly how to fight the best in a pack. So as the fight went on, one of the wolves went around and behind the two fighters. It jumped straight at the girl as soon as it had the opportunity.

The girl had no chance to react, but she did see it at the very last moment. At this moment, though, Adrian dashed right into the side of the wolf.

It whimpered and flew 5 meters to the side when it got hit. It went back to the rest of the pack and went into fighting position.

Adrian released his battle and killing intent and gave a cruel smile. Keep in mind that he has killed quite a bit, so his killing intent is starting to form.

The wolves looked straight at Adrian; they could feel danger from him; he was not like the other warriors around here.

"Thank you!" The girl thanked Adrian for saving her; she thought she was done for.

"No problem, can you and the big guy keep two wolves?" Adrian went into battle mode straight away. "I can deal with the three over there!" He continued while pointing to 3 wolves to the side.

"We can do that, but can you really kill three of these wolves?" The big guy chimed in now. He looked at Adrian thinking he didn't look like that great of a fighter.

"Worry about yourselves!" Adrian gave them an excited smile. Finally, he had the chance to fight a serious fight. It was a long time since that happened last.

"Now, let us begin!" As Adrian said this, he dashed straight into the fight with the three wolves. He dashed in, with his spear thrusting for the foremost wolf.