
As he started to read through the skill book he had. He found out that it was a skill that could only be used through magic. It was Shadow magic one needed to use this skill because it was a skill where you used the shadows to move for a few meters.

It was a skill without level; it was only limited by how high your intelligence stat was. Adrian had never thought of learning anything like magic, but he was very interested when he saw how this skill worked.

'It seems like I need to find a teacher.' He was not in a hurry to find one, but of course, it was like the sooner, the better.

Adrian chose that it was time to sleep; he would worry about all this tomorrow. As he fell asleep, he started to think about his childhood friend; how was Joby?

-A battlefield hundreds of kilometers away from Adrian-

There was the sound of clanging all around from different kinds of metal hitting each other. Thousands of bodies were on the ground; everything was blood red from the bodies.

In the middle of this battlefield stood a small group of men, surrounded by hundreds of other men. In this small group stood a man, who Adrian would recognize if he were there. It was, of course, Joby.

"It seems like we are surrounded, captain!" One of the soldiers in the formation said to Joby.

"It seems so Lark, scared?" Joby answered back with a small smile; he looked like someone who was ready to fight.

His whole body was covered in blood. It was not his blood; it was the blood of many others. He looked like a demon from hell to the enemies.

"Of course not captain, Romeo is probably the only scared one here!" Lark answered him back with a small smile followed by a joke.

"I-I-I'm not s-scared!" Romeo answered back with a shaking voice. Anyone with a little bit of brain knew he was scared. Everyone laughed at him, though, in hopes of getting their morale up a bit.

"It's okay to be scared, but I will do everything in my power to get you guys home today, even if it costs me my life!" Joby turned serious after the laugh. He didn't want to see any of his men die; he would rather die himself.

In the beginning, none of the soldiers under Joby liked him. Since any of the men under Joby were older and had more experience than him, they thought of him as a baby compared to them in the beginning.

But as the fights began, and he thought by their sites, they found out he was a trued warrior. They saw that he always was there to protect them if something happened. As time went by, the others started to help each other, the same way Joby had always supported them.

This way, in just a few weeks, this small group of soldiers had become one of the military's elite groups. They were far from the strongest, but the brotherhood they had, made them work together perfectly and proficiently.

They were all very touched at what Joby had just said, and they all called out at the same time.

"NONE OF US WILL DIE!" This kind of worked as a war cry. All the soldiers surrounding them had heard everything that had been said. They were a little touched themselves by Joby's bravery.

As they heard the war cry, though, they felt fear from the group of men. There was boundless bloodlust and killing intent coming from them.

What should keep in mind, they were all berserkers of different variations, which is why Joby was such a perfect captain for them.

Before the hundreds of soldiers around Joby's group could calm down again, Joby's group charged out.

They used a formation called the wolf pack. It is a circular formation that requires absolute trust in everyone around you. It was this formation that made the small group famous.

As they charged, they slaughtered soldier after soldier, and every time someone got wounded, they stopped and let him go in the middle to bandage up.

Joby was the one and the front charging point, which also made him take most of the pressure. He had no problem with that, though. He slaughtered everyone coming in front of him, and the enemies had started to call him 'war god.'

But in the end, he couldn't take it anymore, and a sword hit his soldier. His left arm was almost cut off. It was still hanging there, but it would fall off if it took another hit. He screamed as it happened, but the soldier that did it was not lucky enough to only get his arms half chopped off. His head was cut off completely.

Adrian was now using a particular skill he had acquired after a few weeks of fighting. it was called 'Berserkers fury.' It was a skill that made him ignore any pain, and his strength would rise tenfold.

The soldiers under him saw this, and they knew the skill. They also knew the backlash would make him unable to fight after he runs dry.

He now started slaughtering soldier after soldier, at speed much faster than before. He managed to kill 50 soldiers before he ran dry. The enemies were now beginning to lose morale.

The small group of soldiers had now killed around 100 people, which was half of their forces. They had not even managed to kill anyone from the small group yet.

They had wounded them many times, but they had not made any fatal wounds yet. They had almost cut of Joby's shoulder, but that was far from a deadly wound since it had closed itself pretty quickly.

"Protect the captain!" one of the soldiers yelled as he saw Joby fall.

Now that Joby didn't have any more steam from his skill, he started to become slower and slower before he fell to the ground. The group surrounded him now to protect him from the enemy forces.

The group had started to lose morale themselves now. It was hard to kill so many people and still outnumbered.

"Come on, guys, we just need to kill around ten each! then we can go HOME!" This time Romeo, who was scared, stepped up. No one knew it was him yelling, but this made their morale skyrocket again.

"Only ten, you say?" The group yelled this in unison, and their energy streamed back to them.

They did not have Joby anymore to take the most pressure. So they all started to get wounded at a quicker and quicker rate. In the end, it was only Romeo standing up, protecting his group.

A spear then hit him in the shoulder; at the same time, he hit the spearman in the head.

He started falling to the ground, saying, "Is this the end!" He was the only one left in the group with consciousness.

This small group of people had killed 90% of the enemy forces. Which made the enemies both fear and respect them. These were lands that respected power, and this small group showed a lot of power, power through surviving.

As Romeo started to fall and lose consciousness, he heard a horn in the background. He smiled when he heard this. He had heard this horn many times. It came from the main army, and they finally came to save this small group.

Romeo fell to the ground with a small smile. At the same time, the last of the enemy army fled the place. They had fought for many hours; they had slaughtered hundreds. It was finally time to sleep.

A few days after all this happened, Joby woke up in a bed with a set. He remembered fighting for a long time. He remembered getting a sword through his soldiers, but he does not remember anything after activating his ability.

He saw women go past his room, so he tried to yell out the women. "Hey! Where am I?" His voice was sore and hoarse, and the words were a little weird when they came out.

The woman heard him, though, and she walked back. As she looked at Joby, she had a shocked expression.

"Sir, you are at the military's nurse tent" She was shocked to see he was awake.

"What about my men? Where are they?" His voice sounded like nails on a blackboard, but he had to ask; he was worried about them.

"They are asleep in another wound" The nurse was again shocked by Joby; had he even seen his injuries? "Worry about yourself first; you were the one worst wounded!"

He looked down on his shoulder and saw that it was wholly bandaged, at it hurt like sh*t.

"I am glad they are okay, thank you!" He didn't feel like doing much more. He had a sore voice and chose to go back to sleep.