
Jared was looking at both men like a kid who got caught stealing candy Jared looked at both men, staring from Michael to Khalid. The silence between the trio was very uncomfortable. Michael decided to speak up

"Jared I was thinking of adopting you or being your guardian, I would like you to be part of our family, to cover up the missing piece but I was reminded that you are almost the legal age so we... I need to seek your permission before taking any step. What do you think?" Michael said with both of his hands crossed while Khalid just stood there looking as calm as ever

"Well, true I'm almost of age and I would like to be a part of your family but I don't know how to say this and I hope you do not get offended but I still want to keep my last name and my parents will always be my parents but I will like you as my legal guardian. (turning to talk to Khalid) Then that will make you my brother forever then you can stop putting that angry look on your face all the time". Jared said with a light smirk on his face but in his heart much much afraid of what Khalid will say or do.

" That's okay son, we will start the process tomorrow. Welcome to the family son. Then you can call me dad or pops or father, whatever you kids of these days call your parents ." Michael said with much joy

"Welcome to the fam lil bro. So... back to business, angry look huh start getting used to it because you my dear brother will be seeing much of this handsome angry face". Khalid said winking at him mischievously with quite a scary smirk on his face. Jared ate his food in peace and quiet also with much joy in his heart. Michael and Khalid went to the sitting room to watch TV and talk.

Immediately he finished his food he went to join them.

Jared decided to ask a question which came as a surprise because he never asked that kind of question. " What happened to your family "

Immediately Khalid's face turned cold then he said "You are not to ask that question again Jared, you may be my brother but there are something's which aren't to be said"

"Khalid, he's family and he should know about it plus you both get to know each other very well". Then Michael started talking about everything that happened till he finished then both children gave a very saddened sigh. Then Michael decided to retire to bed leaving both boy and man to talk more.

Khalid decided to ask of his background and everything about him and the reason he left home. Jared told him everything talking about his siblings, his family and all about himself. Jared told him everything even the ones he didn't tell Michael.

They all talked about a lot of things then Khalid asked a question

" What would you like to study, Jared?"

The question came as a surprise to Jared, he wasn't expecting a question like that to be asked " Well I haven't really decided yet but I think I'll go for Mechanical engineering or Political science or Business Administration"

"Why haven't you gone to college yet?"

Jared considered the question a bit uncomfortable but he still answered "umm...well. I'm kinda trying to save up for my college fee" Jared replied looking and his fingers and biting his lower lip feeling nervous

"Would you like to go to college if you see someone to sponsor you?

" Gladly, I'll grab it like a kid been given a candy" Jared said with ease using his hands to hold air as the candy

"Well I'll like to do that not as a sponsor or a helper or even out of pity, I'm doing this as a brother, brothers should be willing to help and make sacrifices for each other right?

Jared opened his mouth dumbfounded and took some seconds before replying with a quiet "yes" yet he still couldn't overcome his surprise.

"I would like to take you with me back to Boston, its a really nice place to stay, you can have a lot more new friends"

"Thanks bro, I would like to go with you but I can't leave pops here alone he needs company"

"Yeah, that's right. We can't leave the old man or he'll due of boredom and we do not want that so what will you do?"

" Well I was thinking. What if you send the college fee and I'll attend a community college around, don't worry about us"

"So...any friends or girlfriend?" Khalid asked out of interest.

" Oh no. I've been alone with dad since I came here"

"OK. But don't you feel weird calling him dad when your real parents are alive?"

"No as far as I'm concerned they are dead to me you guys are my family now. No more despondent thoughts. What's your full name?"

"I have another idea, let's play twenty questions"

"Isn't that game childish?"

"So? isn't it good to be childish at least once in a while?"

"So I'll start. What is your full name?" Jared said enthusiastically

" Khalid Leonard Jackson. Same question "

"Jared Khalil Harrington. Why do you have a Muslim name?"

"Well my dad is a convert, He used to be a Muslim then he changed. same question?"

"Honestly I have no idea. Your age and date of birth?"

"That's two questions but I'll answer. I'm twenty six years old and I was born on the 15th of march 19**. Now answer yours.

"As you know I'm. seventeen. I was born on September 23rd of 20**. Who is your girlfriend?"

"I don't have one, I don't need any relationship right now. Why didn't u make any friend?"

"I find it stressful plus not everybody is a friend, most are backstabbing liars"

They continued with their game till

they got tired and got up to move to their different rooms but Khalid ask the last question "Will you still be working at wherever you work?.

" Yes. Don't worry too much bro I'm good "

Then they walked into their different rooms.