One year later

After everyone was back from their holiday break, they had to study, to successfully pass the last year test.

The school system was based on a clear program, it was allocated in 5 years. Of course there were exceptions, if one was quite smart, he could skip grades after a test. So in the end the numbers of graduates weren't fixed, each year had different numbers. After graduating, an academy was waiting for them, and it had a diffrent schedule that was divided in two parts. First there was one year, there were different courses about everything that could be chosen by the student. Its function was mainly to guide them to discover their ideal future job and talent. The second part was about the specialization, each student could customize their courses with the subjects they were more interested in. Of course, here the rules of the year skipping were applied too.

Small spots of lights were flashing rhythmically on a pair of glasses. A quick typing was heard, the clicks were soft yet swift. The person who was sitting on the chair grabbed a can, and drank it. A silver streak runned down the corner of the mouth. It was quickly wiped away. A beep was heard, a green light lit up. " got the data ? ", " yes, they're already delivered at the xxxx cordination ", " good ", " my pleasure to help you out ".

The youth sighed, then stretched his back, laying on the chair. Long bluish strands were hanging from the seatback, while the eyelids were closed. The feet were swinging with an irregular rhythm. Then he abruptly stood up, walked towards the door, while he passed, he grabbed a jacket.

" Young master ", a servant greeted him, as he walked out. He just nodded and walked away. He was headed to the dining room where Roswell was already waiting. " Come here quickly, the food is going cold ". Adeus nodded and sat on his right, and started to eat. All the servants silently retreated, leaving the room. " So, how's your research going? ", " mn, quite well, I'd say. Just need some more key information and the show will be complete ". A cold smile appeared on the lad's face, while his emerald eyes were flickering. Roswell smiled, then he pushed a dish filled with food to him, " eat more, you need to grow up, still ". There was no arguing, as the meal finished in silence.

" Master, it seems like the young master's attitude has changed. Your relationship got a lot better since the beginning ", the butler made his observation, while looking at the vlack haired man. " mn ". He seemed quite happy about it.

The butler, seeing the good mood that his master was in, felt happy too. It seemed that their relationship improved a bit last year. Well at least now the both didn't threaten each other on small matters. Or Adeus trying to snap the neck of Roswell.

Meanwhile, in front of a mirror, a slender girl was spinning slowly, to check her dress. Black hair fluttered, while a pair of smiling eyes were looking at their reflections. " Little miss, you've already stayed almost half an hour in front of the mirror ", the answer was an annoyed grunt. " Lyn, are you ready to go ? ", Joslyn's voice reached her. " Yes mom, I'm coming! ". She checked herself the last time and went down.

Today was the day that she and her friends would go to visit their future school. So, of course she had to dress up. She wondered if they changed after the exam. She had decided to dye her hair, so her hair became black with bluish reflection, the hair tips were white and she had a few silver strands. The look was kinda like a wolf, since her eyes were yellow, but the honey shade.

The wrist-screen trembled, and a window appeared. " Hey, Lyn, are you already here ? ", " no, I'm coming ", " sure, I'll wait there ". The call ended, but they didn't switch on the video mode. They all agreed on seeing each other that day. It was almost a tradition to change style before they went to the academy, as if they were writing down a new chapter of their life. This lasted and was going on for almost three hundred years ago. So most of the people liked to stick to it. But the teenegers weren't conplainning, rather they were literally trying everything they could. So the results, sometimes was really… interesting.

In front of a white and black building, dozen of csras were stopping by, while the crowd was filling before the gate. There were a lof of teenagers, all of them with a unique look, or a paired look.

Soon the five gathered together, then silence. They were looking at each other, to check their changes. " Esm ! Those golden strands are so cool ! Oh, you even made a golden shade ! ", her friend smiled, " yeah Lyn, your hair are really cool ! ". " Ander, how come you haven't changed even a little bit ", the red haired guy turned around and looked at the girl. " Oh, your eyes…. now they're with the flames shades, cool ", the guy rolled his eyes, " ah, girls. Remember that I'm not that interested in changing my looks. I like it ", Lex patted on his shoulder, while chuckling. " Lex, you haven't changed that much too ", Dev looked at him, " nope, just like my buddy. But you, instead, how come your hair now are with purplish hair tips and strands ? ". " I guess he wanted to dye his hair with the same color of his eyes. So boring ", snickered Ander. Two jab reached him, he let out a pained grunt. Two glares were on him, he just zipped his mouth and didn't say more. The other two cracked in laughters.