" ahhhhhhh ! How come ! Why am I the only one kicked out ?! ", Dev smirked, " well someone spent his entire summer playing, instead of studying ". Ander glared at him and retorted back, " but I wasn't the only one !! Lyn too ! ". Lex sighed, " Let's say that her brain and yours aren't exactly the same, aren't them? And stop your wails now, you were missing just a few points. You really should have paid more attention ".
Behind them, two girls were approaching silently, one of them was glaring at Ander. Then she pinched his arm. " Ouch ! Hey ! What are you doing Lyn ?! ", " I've heard your wails and … you dragging me in the conversation ". Esm giggled, " Let's go to the hall, they'll be soon announcing the classes ".
So the group started to move, while two were still bickering.
The hall was an enormous circular room, on one side, there was an upstage, where teachers were seated. On the opposite side, all the new students were waiting while standing. At their sides there were several huge glass elevators. " Welcome student, please pay attention. In a minute we'll send the code-classroom to your wrist-screen, after everybody gets it, follow the appointed teacher. They'll lead to your new class ". Soon each screen lit up and a window popped out. Lex rubbed his chin, " Ander, you're lucky, you're right next to us ", " uh, at least ", mumbled him. On the other's screen appeared ' class 0, prof. Thompson '. On the other one, ' class 1, prof. Jhons '
Lyn smiled, " let's go ! School officially starts today !! ". With her right hand she pulled Esm and with her left Dev, towards the teachers.
After all the students found their own places, the teachers walked toward the elevator.
The teacher accompanying class 0 was busy explaining how the schoolrooms were placed on the various levels. " The order is the following: On the last two levels, the number classes are placed, each five . The others are the same, except for one floor that has six classes. Each section has his own first, second, third, fourth and fifth year class ". There was absolute silence during the speech, either it was because the students were distracted or were listening earnestly. Of course Lyn and Esm were part of the first group. The girls were busy watching the rooms that the elevato crossed while going up. On each level, one central circular room was surrounded by the other rooms. Those lifts were the bridge between them.
" floor 10 ", the voice announced. " Everyone, please follow ". The teacher Thopson led the student in front of a door. On the right, a small screen was floating. It was saying, ' class 0 '. A white light scanned the nameplate on the professor's chest. " access granted ". All the fellows rushed in as soon as possible, while the group said goodbye to Ander and parted their ways. Lyn quickly looked around and spotted her ideal position. It was the row next to the last one. As she was getting ready to grab Esm, a hand stopped her. " Hey ! Dev ! ", " No more laziness this year ". Lyn glared at those serious purple eyes, feeling a bit annoyed. Lex signed and sat down on the second row, followed by Esm. Not caring about her annoyance, he just pulled her to sit next to. Lyn grumbled, but in the end she stayed silent. " hey grumpy miss, your screen is flashing ", " uh ". She typed on it, and a window popped up in the small lens of her right eye. " See you at the end of lessons in the dorm's courtyard, we are waiting to meet you ". The yellow eyes blinked a few times, reading the sender's name : A-0001. ' Who is that .. ', she frowned, while typing ' why do you have my contact code ? '. After a few seconds the reply came, ' I'll explain it when we'll meet '. A small notice appeared, and the other party left the chat. She slammed her hand on the table, completely annoyed. " Ashlyn, what happened now ? ", Dev asked, glancing at her wrist. " A unknown person wrote to me, asking to meet up in the dormitory's yard. And he left without answering me first. So irritating " . " Let me see ", " ah, why can't I open it anymore ? ". Dev looked carefully at the window, while checking the abnormalities. " It seems like a one way message, it can only be opened while both people are on ", Lex explained, while pondering. Esm wanted to add something, but the teacher's voice interrupted her. " Students, pay attention to the lesson ", " now we can keep going ". Dev tilted his head towards Lyn, signaling her that they'll talk about it later.
Green eyes were fixed on a chat log, while the other hand was sliding on the screen. " A-0001…. ". ' I'll fish this guy out, I have a feeling that he's from that hellish place '. " student Daft ! The use of devices is forbidden during lessons ".
" As far as you know, our planet is composed of two main levels : ground level and sky level. The differences between them are two words, advanced and common. The ground one is populated by common people. The adjective means for the fact that a person there doesn't have their genes enchanted. They follow the slow time of evolution. Besides, here we have the massive production of basic materials that are needed by the sky level.
On the upper level, the ' advanced ' people live here, their genes are inherited by generation and generation. Their speciality is that thanks to changes to their genes, they all have enhanced physical and physical abilities. And the main point is the fact that the sky level is the core of the technology and science progress ".
" ohhh… I didn't know that …. ", " so … It was like that… ", " what's the ground level ? Does it even exist ? " ….
A lot of questions were bubbling in the head of the new students.