Old acquaintance

At the end of the lessons Ander yawned, " Allright, let's go to those fellows". He stood up and walked out with his hands in his pockets. He glanced trying to remember where the other class was. After a few minutes he grumbled, he couldn't remember at all!

Thump, a body slammed on the wall. " ugh…. hey.. ", a hoarse voice tried to speak, but only unclear noises were coming out from his mouth. The hooded figure struggled to breathe, trying to stabilize the burning feeling in his chest. He leaned on the wall while rubbing his chest. A snort escaped from the face hidden by the cape.

Green eyes were lazily following his actions, they were full of annoyance. Adeus glared at the figure then strode forward. He needed to finish this as soon as possible, he glanced at his wrist-screen. 30 seconds left. He abruptly grabbed the collar of the guy lying on the ground. His arm raised up, but he froze. Deep blue sapphire iris greeted him, followed by a grin. " Hey madman, long time no see, uh ".

Meanwhile, the courtyard was crowded. People in white uniforms were standing there. All of them were busy, who was talking, who was questioning the students and who was keeping an eye on the situation. " Have you seen a suspicious person, or a new face ? ", " …around your age…. tall…like this… ".

" Dev, what's happening? Ugh, I can't see anything ! ". The girl jumped, trying to see through the crowd. Dev sighed looking at her action, " it seems like there was a commotion here. The school corps are everywhere ". " Oh, really. Well that means that whoever caused it, the mess isn't a small one, right ? ". " yeah… ", an amused glint flashed in the girl's eyes.

But she had to settle the other matter first. So she walked towards her dorm, but she was stopped by one of the corp members. " This student, you can't pass now. This place is for the moment locked down. Please return, we'll release a notice once the investigation is over ". Lyn looked disappointed, she clearly didn't want to go back. Dev pulled her away, before she could start any trouble.

The two walked back to the school hall, where their friends were. The other three were sitting on the sofa, while drinking colorful beverages. Two cups were left aside.

As soon Esm saw them, she waved her arm, smiling brightly. " Here ! I've ordered some for you too. Try it, they're the newest edition ! ". Lyn took the glass, the transparent liquid inside was giving off silver sparkles, while Dev's was a purplish. He glanced suspiciously at the glass, " are you sure it isn't poison ? Why is it purple ? ". Laughters answered him.

He shook his head feeling helpless. Lately he felt like his older brother.

Later they chatted about the afternoon plans and the school rules. There were a lot, or rather, too many !

In the car, two guys were sitting while staring at each other. One of them grumbled, " hey madman, stop staring at me. It's kinda creepy, ok ? ". " What do you expect from me, A-0001 ? ". A smirk crossed face, " Well, A-004, I have a name, you know ? It's Graydon ". Adeus kept his annoyed expression, " Graydon, explain the reason for appearing at the school ? ". Graydon arched his brow, thinking how to discuss the fact he tracked down A-003. Rubbing his nose, he decided to spit out everything. It wasn't easy to fool this madman.

" Listen to me, I don't know if you'll believe me, but I've found A-003. I happened to meet her briefly in a mall ". He recollected the events of that day.

He was busy picking up all the shoppers that his young lady bought. That spoiled girl kept running everywhere and buying everything she liked.

As he tried to balance the packs, he saw a blurry shadow brush past him. A particular fragrance lingered in the air. He turned his head. He saw those familiar black hair. Then the girl turned to speak to her friend, revealing her golden eyes. The color stunned him. Was he mistaken, it wasn't' her ? But her face features were clearly exactly the same. To be sure, he did a small research on her. And the result stunned him. It was her.

" So ? ", Adeus asked in a mocking tone. A-0001 raised his gaze, " oh, I think I'm a bit late, right ? Useless information ". " At least you're aware ". Then both of them spoke no more. Only the flickering of the light and shadows was the only lively touch of the car's atmosphere.