Inside a car, six people were sitting, three and three facing each other. Lyn was squeezed between Adeus and Esm, in front of her Lex was sitting, with Dev and Ander.
An olographic map was floating, showing their destination, while a small blue dot was their position. A peculiar shaped building was shown, and its information was neatly arranged next to the image. Lyn tapped on it, the building vanished, and the entire screen was filled with letters and pic of countless items from dresses to accessories. Literally a paradise for shopping lovers.
The girls had their eyes glued to the various showcases on the screens. Even the boys couldn't help but comment on some cool designs. Soon the car was filled with chatter.
Lyn and Esm were discussing which theme to pick, so on Lex's advice they checked on the school's official wall.
There was even the ceremony's history and meaning, various recorded data and so on.
It was especially created for two reasons : first, to welcome the new batch of students and second, to ease the newcomers' anxiousness. In fact not only the first year students participated, but also the ones from the other grades. It was all mixed up, even the height didn't matter because the growth stage usually sprinted during the early teens and slowed in their fifteens. So they were pretty much all the same.
Of course there were exceptions, everyone couldn't look identical.
The car stopped and six fellows hopped down, they were ready to set off. The girls were extremely excited, with a wide smile hung on their lips.
The spiral-like building was in front of them, it looked like a flipped conch shell that was picked up and put on a collector's display. Thin thorns were climbing up on the structure's walls, almost resembling a murex.
Outside an assistant was standing there, leading in the customers and keeping an eye on the situation. She had a mask on her face, some pieces were floating around her eccentric hairstyle. Her hair was slightly curled up, falling on her shoulders in an asymmetrical way. They were silverish, reflecting the sunlight.
Adeus walked to her and showed his ID, then she politely pointed their way, a small transparent door on her left. " Let's go. We'll have to take this lift to reach inside ". He dragged a ticket from his screen and released it on the glassy door. As soon as it touched it, a green light flickered and it opened. Lyn stepped in first, her interest was lured out, her gaze swept all over the place. The entire device was completely see through, the surroundings were all blue with aquatic creatures swimming in.
When they went up, a soft pounding was heard, as if they were plunged in the ocean.
Only Lyn was surprised, since it was her first time seeing something like this, but the others were, yes amazed, but not startled. Most of them were from big families or had close relationships with them, so they had seen something like that at least once.
" Hey Daft, you don't seem like the kind of person to visit those places, how did you discover it ? ", asked Ander, a bit amused. The asked one just threw him a glance and replied shortly, " I've looked for it ". ' What a strange guy ', thought Ander.
Adeus just followed Lyn who was already wandering in the shops, leaving behind a puzzled guy.
" Whaaaaaa, it's sooo preeeety !!! Look at that Esm, oh wait, that one it's gorgeous! ". Two girls were happily chatting while taking clothing parts from the display rack to the fitting room. Previously they agreed to meet up with the bouys a few hours later at the
In front of the wall-mirror Lyn spin slowly spun her dress. A blue one piece dress wrapped her body from the neck to half thig, its sinuous pattern was moving around it, simulating the effect of the waves. Aquamarine-silverish stripes were floating around her arms. On her waist a delicate chain-belt was trimmed on a see-through veil that went down softly, like a puff of mist. The shoes were made with a peculiar material since they looked like as if they were made with water. The result was quite interesting, the skin could be seen, with the light reflected on it.
Lyn looked at her reflection, feeling that something was missing. ' Oh, right, the accessories! ', she turned and picked up earrings and hairpins. The first one was made with pale-blue gemstones and the second was a pair of hairpin that released a glittering effect once put on. They were left aside since she didn't have any hair bun.
After checking another time she walked out from her dressing room to go to Esm's. " Esm ? Are you done changing ? ", " Ah, a moment Lyn, could you help me to tie up those strings ? They're everywhere ! Why I haven't noticed them before ! ". Lyn laughed, " ah you decided to choose it, not me ! ". Esm glared at her, " I know, now help me out please ". She looked at her friend's dress, it was a peach color, she really looked like a pink flower.
A few minutes later those countless strings were finally fixed, the girls sent a message to the guys to meet up.