
Bellas POV 


I still can't believe Tyler showed up like that and when I was about to lose my shit at him, we ended up making out, he drives me insane. As we walk back out of the apartment building the others are staring and giggling like teenagers, urmm okay what the- oh shit! I forgot we were holding hands I instantly try and remove mine but it is no use as he grips tighter and smirks down at me, it's official he is going to be the death of me.  

"So, I hear you two are heading off for a coffee date, is little Ava joining you?" That comes from his mom, shit I quickly look at Bri and Claire for help but they are too busy trying to hide their laughter, they are going to pay for this. 

"It's not a date, but no she needs feeding so Claire and Bri are going to take her home right guys?" I look back at them and finally Claire seems to of recovered herself 

"Yep, absolutely. Bri and I are going to take Ava home for a bottle and then we are getting ready for a movie night" she smiles politely and I see her looking at Tyler which makes me giggle but I cover it up with a cough. 

I bend down picking Ava up out of her pram so I can put her in car seat 

"Tyler is amazing with babies, his sister just had a little girl six weeks ago and he has taken on the role of overprotective uncle already" his dad smirks causing them all to laugh again, oh just kill me now. I give Ava a little cuddle and kiss before I place her in her car seat in the back of my white Range Rover and toss the keys to Claire "I'll be home in an hour" I state trying to avoid any more awkward conversations, Claire and Bri, both give me hugs before getting in my car and driving off. 


"Mr and Mrs Foley, I apologise about the way things have gone today, and I know you have already offered full asking price but due to how much I respect your charity I would like to offer you the premises for half of the asking price if you are still interested?" Tylers mom starts swiping at her cheeks as her body shakes with sobs and Mr Foley gives her a hug, Tyler is stood there open-mouthed  

"What are saying, Miss Connors?" Mr Foley asks 

"You and your wife can have the property for the charity and you pay half the asking price and I will put in the other half, call it a donation from Connors Property Development" I beam at him and almost get knocked on my ass when Mrs Foley charges at me pulling me into a ridiculously tight embrace. 

"That is a lot of money Bella, I mean half of the price is 1.3 million dollars. Are you sure?" his mom sobs while asking and I nod "Yes of course, if you come by the office on Tuesday as originally planned, I can have the contracts and deeds ready for you to sign."  

After lots more tears and hugs Mr and Mrs Foley have agreed to come by the office on Tuesday to finish up the sale and sign the rest of the papers and after way too many compliments Tyler convinced his parents to head back home and now, I am sitting in his car as we head to a café for a coffee. 

We pull up outside a little café and just like on the way here he opens the car door like a gentleman "You don't have to be so polite you know" I snigger as he holds out his hand which I take "Hey I am offended if you think I would be anything less" he jokes as we enter, we quickly find a seat and order the drinks. 

During our drink we didn't stop talking and laughing, I found out that his parents started their charity two years ago and have already bought over 3000 properties and housed close to 16,000 single parents and children, they are also hosting a fundraiser in a few weeks which will be a masked ball with a meal and auctions to help raise more funds, I have taken a mental note to contact all my contacts later today and tomorrow to see if they are interested in being sponsors for the auction. We also talked about how I started my company which isn't really that interesting my grandparents passed away leaving me with a large inheritance which I used to open the business. 


As we drive back home, we are talking about his game tomorrow night, which he seems ready for. "I would really like it if you would come to the game" he asks as he glances over at me which makes me nervous for some reason "Doubt I would be able to get tickets this late" I respond and he lets out a chuckle, "would you come if I managed to get you some tickets?" I laugh "You really want to show off your skills, don't you?" we both laugh "but to answer your question, I am sure I could get Claire to watch Ava for a few hours" he nods before pressing something on the dashboard making the loud speaker of his phone buzz to life  

"Ty, what is up?" an elderly man answers and Tyler rolls his eyes 

"Hi boss, just wondering if my season seats are still available or if Phillips will be using them?" 

"They are free, but tell me who can you possibly be bringing as I know your parents have already booked their seats?" the elderly man laughs  

"You make me sound like a fucking loner" Tyler rolls his eyes but laughs "and for your information I am bringing my date" Tyler winks in my direction "Not a date!" I say loud enough for the man to hear who erupts into laughter  

"I like her already, keep a hold of this one or I might have to snap her up as my mistress" he chuckles making us laugh "Damn, I bet Helen wouldn't be happy to hear that" Tyler chuckles. 


Obviously, I didn't have to give Tyler my home address since he managed to find and send those beautiful flowers, as we pulled up outside, I pressed the button on my keys and the gates opened, Tyler drove up the long driveway and stopped at the bottom of the steps before turning in his seat. 

"So, you'll be at the game tomorrow?" hmm time to tease him a little 

"I don't think that is a good idea to be honest" I could see him searching my face for any hint of me joking then he smirked showing those dimples 

"Well, here's the thing, Bella, if you don't turn up half an hour before the game I'll come and find you" his lips twitch as he says this making me laugh 

"Of course, I will be there but you better win" 

"With you there, I will make sure we do "he smirks moving closer but then there's a tap on the window, he slides my window down and there stands Bri with a huge smile on her face  

"We are going to the game tomorrow, Rome just got us tickets" she squeals clearly excited, I turn to Tyler and smirk before turning back to Bri "What seats did he get?" the seats that he got are five rows from the front which makes Tyler laugh and he leans over the centre console placing a hand on the dash board to steady himself and he places the other on my lower back causing some weird ass tingling sensations all over my body "Do you like those seats or would you prefer to be the front row behind our bench?" he asks her and in all honesty the squeal she lets out is several decibels too high, I laugh when her expression turns serious 

"You are playing with me, aren't you?" she asks with a straight face and when he shakes his head, Bri starts clapping and jumping around like a crazy person and Tyler rests his chin on my shoulder making my body shiver. "I better get inside, but I'll see you at the game and thank you for the coffee" I try to turn my head to look at him but his chin is still on my shoulder and his fingers are drawing circles on my lower back "You better turn up, beautiful" he says while he moves his head slightly allowing me to turn to face him but this is bad our faces are too close, he places a kiss on my cheek 

"Get a fucking room!" Bri shouts, fuck I forgot she was there, we both laugh as she runs up the few steps and turns to face the car stomping her foot and crossing her arms like she is my mother about to scold me for being late. "I best go, I'll see you tomorrow" I smile and take him by surprise when I place a kiss on his lips, grabbing my bag I open the door and run up the steps, quickly turning in time to see him lean back against his head rest.