
Bellas Pov 


Well last night didn't end exactly how I thought it would, I needed to get away from Ty, I can't let myself get involved with him or well with anyone. He insisted on coming back with me then he was going to walk back to his, I gave him a kiss and yes it was earth-moving and leg weakening but he has to stay away. 

Bri came home around one in the morning from what I heard but I was busy feeding Ava, I am glad she seems to of found what makes her happy, I just wish I could. As I set Ava in her swing in the lounge, I head into the kitchen pouring myself a coffee and heading back to sit down next to Ava my phone pings with a message 


'Hey bells, are you in the office this morning?' Jay.  

'Hey bro, yes, I'll be there around 10am. Everything okay?' 

'Great and yes. My mate is looking to buy a property so I told him we could go and swing by your office.' 

'Aw you are awesome; I'll only be in until 3pm as Ava has her check-up today' 

'Cool, we will be there around 11am, are you taking Ava in with you?' 

'Yes, Bri is going to be with me and Ava as I have some calls to make. How is Sarah feeling after her bachelorette? Ha-ha' He doesn't reply so I set my phone aside and sip on my coffee while I open the laptop to check my work e-mails. 

After a shower I slide into my white body con dress and white heeled pumps, my hair is naturally straight so thankfully I don't have to do anything with it, I applied some light foundation, and black eyeliner and mascara topping it off with light pink lipstick. Grabbing my black blazer, I head out into the lounge to see Claire getting Avas diaper bag ready. 


The office feels strange today for some reason but I have managed to call around some clients who were only too happy to help Mr and Mrs Foleys charity event including gifting several properties to be auctioned, a brand-new top of the range black range rover, exquisite jewellery, a two-week all-inclusive holiday to Paris and several other items. Bri comes in with a latte for me as Avas swing quietly rocks her and Bri sits down in front of me looking through the list of items that have been donated so far. 


As I pick up the phone to call Mr and Mrs Foley my office door swings open "Jay" I squeal pushing the office chair out and running into the warm embrace of my big brother "Hey you, okay?" he says pulling back looking down at me all I can do is nod. 


Jays Pov 


I know exactly what is going on with my sister and I know why she is acting like this, when our parents passed away a few weeks after finding out Bella was pregnant, she seemed to get it into that little head of hers that she was at fault. When Scott Avas dad also got killed when she was four months pregnant, Bella told me that everyone she got close to seemed to be taking away from her and for that reason she pushes everyone away, it's stupid, I know.  


"Don't go there again, Bells" I warn, I am guessing she doesn't know I have seen the photos of her and Tyler Foley together after last night's hockey match. If I know my sister like I think I do she has probably already tried to push him away, now I was fuming when I see the pictures of them together as Tyler is a well-known playboy and the last thing, I want is for her to give him a chance and end up with a broken heart. 


"I need to see my niece" I chuckled as Bella started to unwrap herself from me and I made my way over to see my perfect little niece, she is so much like Bella and our mom and unfortunately this little girl is going to one day find out that her daddy couldn't be here to watch her grow up because someone took his life, I pick her up from her little swing and cradle her close promising to be the best male role model I can be for her but I know I forgot something, I turn to the door  


"Oh shoot, sorry. Bella, Bri this is my friend Dale we met at the weigh-in" I cringe when I see the reaction on Bellas's face, she hates that I fight for a living "Dale this is my sister Bella and her best friend Bri" I nod in their direction and go back to look at my sleeping niece who is fisting at my top making me smile. 


Dales Pov 


When I told Jay that I wanted to buy a new place he said we should go and visit his sister, little did I know that his sister was Bella Connors she was always my weakness but she never acknowledged me in high school or college, I didn't mind as I could sit back and admire her from afar without being rejected like all the other guys who tried but failed with her. 


Now I stand here in her office, and woah she is even more beautiful than she was back then. Jay mentioned that she had a baby and that the baby's dad was no longer around. I know what women like her need and that's someone who wants to settle down, you know the whole husband, kids, dog and house with white picket fence, she was always my obsession and right now I know she always will be.  

"Pleasure to meet you ladies" I announce Bri quickly shakes my hand while my gaze stays on Bella, she then takes my hand giving it a shake the feelings that this stirs up in my body is unbelievable and I am not sure if she felt it too. 

"Right, Dale. Bella has some phone calls to take care of so if you would like to take a seat here and fill in this, it will give us a better idea of what you are looking for" Bri announces pointing a chair and coffee table where there are several forms laid out. As I take a seat, I watch Bella take a seat behind her desk and damn does she look good and professional. 


Ty's Pov 


I spent most of last night in bed wondering what I was going to do about the whole Bella situation, we both admitted that there was a dangerous spark between us but she tried so quickly to get away from me last night, our kiss outside of hers last night was heart-stopping but I could sense that something wasn't quite right between us.  


I went round to my parents this morning to relax for a bit and to have a catch up with them, we are sat in the lounge drinking a coffee when their business phone rings and since I am closest, I pick it up 


"Foley's foundation, how can I help?" see I can be polite 

"Hello, is it possible talk to Mr or Mrs Foley please?" I would recognise that sweet voice anywhere, Bella. 

"Hi Bella" I respond knowing that she clearly doesn't know it is me 

"Um- hi" I laugh at her response 

"Bella, It's Ty" I respond 

"Oh my god- Um hi Ty, how are you?" Aw she sounds too cute when she is flustered 

"I am good thanks, and how are you and Ava?" she seems to gasp that I have asked that 

"We are good thank you for asking, um- is it possible to speak to your parents please? I will message you in a bit just been a busy morning." I can hear voices in the background sounds like males and I know Bri is there. 

"Yes sure, make sure you message soon" I smirk and hand the phone to my dad who puts it on speaker. 


A/N I have just finished this chapter so it will need editing, we have reached 1.5k views and I can't believe it, thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart ♥️