
A/N: Oh my god guys, we have hit 2.5k views, I can't believe it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ā™„ļøā™„ļø thank you all so much and to show my appreciation literally just wrote this chapter, double update tomorrow also ā™„ļøā™„ļø don't forget to add to your library ā™„ļø much loveā™„ļø

Bellas PovĀ 


My head started pounding when I was in the shower, so I wrapped a towel around my body and I tried getting out but when my feet hit the floor, I slipped landing heavily on the tiled floor hurting my ass. By the time I got to my feet Bri and Claire had both ran into the bathroomĀ 

"What happened? Are you okay?" They both looked worried but it was Bri who spoke so I told them what happened and they helped me into the bedroom, after them examining me, they announced my ass and lower back were going to be badly bruised, just fan-fucking-tastic.Ā Ā 

"Where's Ava?"Ā Ā 

"I gave her to Ty, and before you freak out remember what his parents said about his baby niece" I nod but in reality, I'm not worried about that I am just imagining what he would look like with my baby in his arms.Ā 

"It's fine, I'm going to get dressed. I'll be down soon and thank you guys for coming to see if I was okay" They smile and head out of the room, right now what the hell am I going to wear, usually I would just wear my long t-shirt or my pyjama vest and tiny shorts but I don't think that is a good idea with Ty downstairs, I settle on my pyjama vest and shorts but I put my thick white bathrobe on with my Gucci slippers and slowly make my way downstairs.Ā 


As I walk the last few steps, I enter the lounge and holy cow! My ovaries are dancing like we are drinking moonshine at a country barn dance, my daughter lays in one of Ty's arms while he gives her a bottle, her tiny feet don't even reach his hand and her fingers are wrapped tightly around his little fingerĀ 

"Bella, there are some pain killers on the counter for you also some water and your coffee also, do you want to sit down and I'll bring them to you" Claire asks snappingĀ me out of whatever trance my stupid ovaries put me inĀ 

"Uhm- yes if you wouldn't mind, thank you, Claire."Ā 

I sit down next to Ty and Ava and almost scream in pain, pulling my feet up I manage to get just on to my side which eases the pain slightly, I take the pain relief and water then Claire hands me my coffee.Ā 

"They told me what happened, you okay?" Ty asks which immediately makes me smileĀ 

"I'll be alright, thanks for everything, Ty" I say and I watch as Ava opens her eyes looking up at him, he puts the empty bottle down placing the burp cloth over has hand as he sits her up supporting her chin in his hand while he rubs her back, jeez my insides are on fire.Ā Ā 

"There's no need to thank me beautiful, but can you answer one question for me?" I nod suddenly feeling nervousĀ 

"I know you don't trust many people, and I am not asking you to tell me why but please give me a chance, be mine" he says looking into my eyes and in that moment, I really want to say yes, but I can't, not yet.Ā 

"Ty, I will tell you everything I promise but I can't be with you not yet, give me some time?" I plead hoping that he doesn't run.Ā 

"Hey guys, I'm heading out. Rome is here" Bri smiles but quickly sees that something serious is going on and she goes to the door letting Rome in "Uh, Rome come to kitchen with me, I'll take Ava for you" Ty passes Ava to Bri but she immediately wakes up screaming and my heart can't take anymore when Ty stands and takes Ava back who instantly pushes her head into Ty's neck falling straight back to sleep.Ā 


Bri squeals and I'm guessing her ovaries feel like mine right about now, especially when Ty starts walking around clearly, he is confident with babies. Rome turns to me grinning like a hyena, and I'm guessing he knows exactly what I'm thinking "You guys want a coffee or anything?" Rome asks clearly looking for an excuse to leave the roomĀ 

"If Bella, doesn't mind then yes please" Ty answers standing with his back to us looking into the garden with Ava still cuddled into himĀ 

"Of course, I don't, and yes, I'll have another coffee please" I answer Rome but I can't take my eyes off his broad shoulders and the way they move when he is rubbing Ava's back, as soon as Bri and Rome go to the kitchen, I stand up wincing in the process but thankfully the painkillers are starting to work and I quietly stroll up to where Ty standsĀ Ā 

"Yes" I say in a whisper he turns slowly with confusion on his faceĀ 


"I said, yes."Ā 

"You are going to have to explain"Ā 

"I want to give us a try" his jaw hangs openĀ 

"Coffees are ready- um okay what is going on?" Rome asks and neither of us say anything we just stare at each other; I watch as he lays Ava down in his arm while he wraps his free arm around my waist pulling me close to himĀ 

"Rome, are you coming to finish your coffee- what is happening in here?" Bri asks but she has smirk on her lips.Ā Ā 


Ty's PovĀ 


I couldn't fucking believe it when Bella said she wanted to give us a try, it definitely wasn't expected.Ā Ā 

"Are either of you going to explain what is going on?" Bri asksĀ Ā 

"Let's go sit down" IĀ says and we walk towards the sofa where BellaĀ cautiously sits down, and IĀ instantly sit closer placing myĀ free arm around herĀ shoulder.Ā 

"Can I tell them?" I smile and BellaĀ nodsĀ 

"Uh, so, I asked Bella earlier to give us a try at being together, and she agreed" IĀ say kissing the top of herĀ head in such a simple but caring gestureĀ 

"Oh, my fucking days, I am so happy" Bri squeals grabbing Rome's arm and he laughs loudly "I'm made up for you both, you already look like a little family over there" Rome says gesturing at us, and I guess to everyone who seen us like this they would think the same but I can't stop smiling.Ā 

Claire has entered and Bri filled her in about what she missed and she was just as happy as the rest of them and when she sees Ava in my arms, she squeals and Bri pouts explaining to her mom that Ava cried when I gave her to Bri earlier saying her niece didn't love her anymore causing us all to laugh.Ā 


We all sat talking for a while and finished our coffee Ava was still sound asleep in my arms only moving to snuggle in closerĀ 

"I think it's time I put this little one to bed" Bella saysĀ 

"I'll carry her upstairs for you if you like" I offer knowing how much pain Bella is in plus she has had pain meds so she needs to sleep too.Ā Ā 

"Thank you" she beams slowly getting off the sofa "I'll probably go to bed soon guys, so I'll see you all tomorrow" everyone says night and I follow her upstairs with Ava, she opens the door to her room and I follow her in, seeing the bassinette next to bed I place the swaddle blanket inside before placing Ava onto it and wrapping her up like she is in a little cocoon.Ā 

When Ava is tucked up in her bed, I pull back the bed covers for Bella and she suddenly looks nervousĀ 

"Don't worry beautiful, I'm only going to tuck you" She slips off her robe and my heart rate speeds up as she wears a tiny little black pyjama top and matching shorts, 'she is hurting, calm down' I tell myself once she gets onto her side next to the bassinette, I pull the covers over herĀ 

"Stay with me?" she asks, I simply nod but inside I'm like a kid who has just been told every day is his birthday, I turn the ceiling light off and make my way to the other side of the bed taking my shirt and jeans off and I slide in behind her pulling the covers up and I get as close as I can without hurting her wrapping my arm over her waist and she twines her fingers in mine.Ā 

"Goodnight, beautiful"Ā