
A/N: Morning guys, please look out for the POV changes in this one, thank you all so much for waiting for the updates, there will be 3-4 updates today. Much love ❤

Chapter fifteen

Jays Pov

I can't believe my sister, I mean who goes on a date then leaves with another man, I need to find out exactly what happened which is why I am now on my way to the after party that Dale is having, he won by KO. The elevator rides up to his apartment is extremely slow, the elevator comes to a stop and I head for his door where the sound of bass music is shaking the walls, I instantly worry about Sarah I know she is meeting me here but I know what the lads can be like after a few drinks.

Through the crowd of sweaty and hormone filled bodies I find Dale who is talking to Sarah in the kitchen

"Jay!" Dale shouts obviously drunk

"Dale, good win, what happened between you and Bella?"

"Talk about straight to the point. So, we were having a good meal then she went to use the restroom within a few minutes I seen The Rangers and you know I am fan well I got talking to them and we all had some shots not long after that Bella and Tyler arrived at the table obviously, I was freaking it, I mean it's Tyler Foley man. Bella had explained what happened in the restroom and she had a bruise on her head, Tyler said he was going to take her home because the table was littered with shot glasses, so it was my fault really." Shit, I did kind of snap at Bella which instantly makes me feel bad.

"Jay, fucking hell, Bella is a grown-up she can do what she wants and I mean she did meet Tyler before she met Dale so ya know" I suppose my fiancée does have a point.

"I'll talk to her tomorrow; I did call by the house but I caught Bri heading out and she said Bella was having an early night." I respond earning me nods from my best friend and fiancée.

Dale's Pov

I'll be honest the way Jay came in I thought I was about knocked out, after all I am still fragile from tonight's fight. I just hope he doesn't think anything less of me because after all I will find a way to get with Bella, I mean I have waited too many damned years and when I get her, I don't plan on sticking around for Tyler to worm his way in, the way they were looking at each other in those photos that the media took made them look to cosy for my liking.

The party is in full swing so I quickly escaped to my room and pulled out my small wooden box taking the key from under the chest of drawers to open it, taking a seat on the bed I open the box, pulling out the photographs I stare at them memorising every last detail, when I take out the last photo, I pull out the tiny little black object and smile widely as I remember the conversations I hear from this little thing, a knock on the door has me scrambling to shove all the contents back and lock it.

"Give me a minute!" I shout as I lock the box putting it away and storing the key, I open the door to meet by Jay

"Yo man, what you doing? You have a house full of guests out here" He laughs and I exit locking my bedroom door as we leave.

Sarah's Pov

I don't know what it is about Dale, but I get a weird vibe from him although he has been nothing but friendly too me, the way he talks about Bella makes me feel a bit uneasy. I know she is asleep but I send her a message anyway as I know she will reply when she wakes up with Ava.

"Hey babe, how are you and Ava? I'm at Dale's with Jay, are you planning on seeing him again?" I know I am not going to get an immediate response unless she is up with Ava. I worry about her a lot since the passing of Ava's dad and her parents she thinks the universe is against her being happy, of course we know it's not but try telling that to someone who has been through three losses in under a year.

Bella's Pov

Ava didn't wake up until three in the morning which is amazing, after I changed and fed her I looked at the message from Sarah, I can't believe she asked me if I was going to see him again but I suppose she doesn't know about Ty and I yet.

"Hey babe, we are good thanks. How are you? Honestly no I don't plan on it things have changed for me, come round for breakfast?" I reply and I soon fall back to sleep.

I wake up at seven with Ava and get us both ready for the day, I am working from home today so I dress in white sweats and a pink crop top after bringing my hair up into a messy bun. The gate buzzer rings and Claire goes to answer it as I am just finishing the last of my emails.

"Bella, you have a visitor" Claire shouts through but arm's wrapping around my waist from behind make me realise it is not who I expected but still I smile spreads across my face especially when his head rests in the crook of my neck but a sudden cough from behind us has me spinning around to fast that I bump straight Ty's stupidly hard chest making us both laugh but when I peer behind him I feel like a school kid being caught doing something I shouldn't.

"Something you want to tell me, Bella" Uh-oh I feel my face heat up and I look up at Ty who still has his hands on my hips and he is wearing a smug milk, son of a-

"Bella?!" Oh shut I forgot she was there, my bad.

"Uh, Sarah. Hi" I chuckle nervously and she starts laughing but stops quickly when Ty turns to her the scene before would be hilarious if I wasn't so embarrassed her jaw hangs slack and Ty still wears that smug smile.

"Sarah, this is why I wanted you to come this morning, so I could tell you- oh look coffee is ready" I laugh quickly making my way to the other side of the kitchen, thankfully the awkwardness doesn't last too long as Claire and Bri come in.

"They are going through to the lounge and you and I are talking here" Sarah whisper yells making me laugh.

We sit at the kitchen island and while we drink our coffee I tell her everything that happened and tell her that I'm still not sure if being in a relationship is what I want, although in my heart I know I want Ty but my head is telling me it is a bad idea and that bad things are going to happen. The nightmares about Mark were extreme and the memories flood my head, I wasn't in love with him but I loved him for the person he was and for giving me the best gift which of course was Ava, I couldn't have a life without her I just Mark was here to see our daughter grow up.