
A/N: Lookout for the changes in Povs. Love you all, and thank you for 5k views ❤

Jays Pov 


This weekend is going to be amazing; we are spending time with our family and friends; we are at a beautiful location and I am marrying the love of my life on Sunday. 

"I went to see Bell last night" Oh fuck that snapped me back to reality 

"I told you to wait, dude. Is that why she wouldn't talk at breakfast?" This is going to be bad, like really bad. 

"I couldn't wait, I needed to see her, Jay. It fucking killed me leaving her all those years ago" I am in so much shit right now, I didn't even know if he was going to be able to make it that is why I didn't tell Bella. 

"It's alright, I'll talk to her later" she is probably going to kill me though, but not if Sarah gets to me first. 

When we finish getting our suits, we head further into town to pick up some bits Sarah has ordered for the guests, it's not until we have been in town for an hour that my phone buzzes  

"Hey baby, where are-" 

"You fucking dick, why did you not think to inform me that you invited him to our wedding, you know the wedding that you sister is maid of honour?" oh shit, I am fucked. 

"Baby, look I didn't-" 

"Fucking forget it, you are lucky your sister loves you and told me not to kill you or there would be a funeral not a fucking wedding, now listen to me, we are all going out tonight, Bella worked her ass of planning it all as well as paying for it so tonight you keep him away from her, are we clear?" 


"I said are we fucking clear? Jeez Jay think how your sister feels, huh, she goes through hell losing her daughters dad, then Ty cheats on her now you are shoving HIM in her face" I don't even get a chance to respond because she ends the call, well tonight is going to be fun. Another hour goes by of shopping when I see the group of girls, it is amazing how even after two years and at distance she can still make my heart flutter. 

"Hey ladies, we are just heading for lunch-" I don't finish when I see Bella walk off and she walks into a shop, I hear a string of curses from behind me and now I am torn as to whether to go check on my sister or my best friend but thankfully Sarah seems to see the turmoil  

"We've got Bella, go and see him, we will see you all later, your niece is coming to wedding by the way" she says before walking off to Bella. 


Unknown Pov 


Fuck, I knew it would be hard but I didn't think it would be like this, I feel bad for Jay because I know my presence is causing shit between him and Bella. The day I left for advanced training was the hardest day of my life, but not talking to Bella and not seeing her made it all so much worse, she gave me choice and I chose the wrong path and I do regret it. 


I kept in regular contact with Jay so I knew a lot about what was going on with Bella, I tried to get leave when their parents died but I couldn't, I begged and pleaded with Jay to give me her number but he said he couldn't.  

Now she can barely look at me, and the worst part is I don't blame her, after all I am the one who fucked up, but I miss her, I miss her so much, our late-night drives, endless hours watching movies and trips to the lake. 

"Man, you alright?"  

"Yeah, I'll be fine"  

"Okay, you know I am here if you need to chat, right?" I give Jay a nod. 


Bellas Pov 


I didn't think it would be so hard to see him after last night, but boy I was wrong. Sarah got us back to the resort quite quick after our run in with the lads, and honestly, I was grateful for that, I sent the girls off to have food and continue their shopping and I am now curled up in my bed, I am going to try and sleep. I informed Claire of our plans for tonight, her and Ava will be here around nine this evening so I will get to see them before the rest of us head out. 


I don't know how long I have slept for but I rush out of bed and jump in the shower, when I get out, I check the time, I must have slept for a while as it is now 8pm, I quickly dry my hair and curl it after applying heavy makeup and I step into my strapless black dress, just as I am stepping into my heels there is a knock at the door. 


"My baby girl" I coo taking Ava in my arms, this is what I needed. 

"What's going on, Bella?" Claire asks as she sets the luggage down 

"Just, uh-" I don't finish when I see her looking at the photo that was left on my bed last night and I sigh, after telling her all about it and plenty of motherly advice she assures me that I should go and meet at the others, Ava is sound asleep in my arms and I don't want to let her go but the door opens and Sarah and Bri enter all dressed and ready to party. 

The club is absolutely buzzing and our group are having an amazing time, the drinks are flowing fast hence why I am now on the dance floor with the girls, thankfully I haven't had to deal with him yet and Jay has made the wise decision to leave me alone for now. 

After a few minutes of rest and a few drinks I am pulled straight back onto the dancefloor by Sarah who seems to be on fire tonight. The club has filled up a lot since we first arrive and everyone seems to be more squashed together now, I've had someone dancing behind me for a while when I notice hands on my waist and when I look at Sarah she looks absolutely horrified, I turn around slowly and immediately step backwards as I look into his eyes 



"What are you doing here, Ty?"