
Ty's Pov

When I got the call last night after the game, I knew I had to come thankfully she secured me another room at resort, but judging by the look on Bella's face right now, she didn't know I was going to be here.

"What are you doing here, Ty?"

"Just hear me out, please"

"No, I'm here to enjoy myself, just leave me alone, Ty" Hmm okay so I didn't expect that, what hurt more was when she walked away though, I received some apologetic glances from Bri though.

I will respect what she wants, for now at least. I find a seat at the bar, but I watch as Bella passes me and I can't stop myself I follow her through the crowd and stop at the end of hall, it has been a few minutes when she appears out of the door

"Bella, please, just talk to me"

"What do you want me to say, Ty? Huh? You fucking cheated on me" yeah I deserved that

"I know, shit- I'm sorry Bella, please give me another chance"

"Ha, I opened up, pushed my fears aside for you and let you in, then you fucking cheated on me, I can't forgive you for that" as she tries to pass, I grab her arm, I can't let her go.

"Get your hands off me, Ty. I don't know why you are here but you need to leave"

"Bella, are you okay?" Oh, great just what I need the overprotective brother

"You can fuck off as well Jay! Why can't you two just leave me alone, huh?" woah, I've missed something here

"What is going on? -" For the love of- this is turning into a shit storm really quick, Sarah looks between us all

"Sarah, I am sorry but I need to go, I don't want to ruin your night, so have fun okay babe" Sarah shakes her head and grabs onto Bella to stop her leaving

"You are not going anywhere, you are bestie. So why don't you tell me what is going on-" She gets cut off by her fiancé

"No Sarah, don't start that bullshit, Bella is clearly pissed at me and instead of talking to me, she is running" I don't get a chance to say anything and it happens like it is in slow motion, Bella's fist collides with Jay's face

"Don't you fucking dare! You are the idiot who invited him here, you didn't give me any warning, hell you know what I went through, you knew he was my everything, you didn't tell me when he applied to be a marine, you didn't tell me he was leaving and lastly you didn't think it would affect me seeing the love of my life after all this time! Thanks a lot brother" she shouts before she storms off, and it is like something out of comedy reel Sarah, Jay and I all go after her but three people trying to get out of a doorway at the same time is never going to work.

As we reach the bar area, Sarah darts over to a table where I see Dale, the little prick who couldn't even look after his date properly and there are some others sat there, but I watch as Sarah explains something to them all with her arms flying around in the air, I know I have to go over though, Sarah is clearly distressed and I am still trying to work out who the fuck Bella was talking about.

Unknown Pov

I noticed Sarah rushing over to our table, tears were running down her cheeks

"Please, you have got to help, Bella she has run off, I need to find her" I place my hand on Sarah's back and look at Bri who takes over rubbing her friends back

"Sarah, breath okay. Now, what happened?" I ask

"Well, her ex has shown up, he cheated on her within days of them being together, my idiot fiancé didn't think to speak to his sister about you being here and it's just too much for her, she has punched Jay, he is getting ice for his eye" I will admit I tried not to laugh when she said Jay was getting ice, after all I know what Bella's punches feel like.

"Okay, you go and see to Jay, Bri try and make sure her ex stays here, last thing she will want is her cheating ex finding her, and I'll go back to the resort, her daughter arrived just before we all came out so she will probably just go back to her"

"She isn't going to be happy if you go there-"

"It's fine, trust me, I know how to calm her down"

After leaving the club, I walked down the bar strip in town just to make sure she had not gone somewhere else, and when I didn't find her, I hailed a cab back to the resort, immediately walking around the back of rooms, stopping outside of her door, I took a deep breath before knocking.

"Hi, can I help you?" a middle-aged woman asked

"I am looking for Bella, my name is Chris" at that moment Bella appeared behind the woman and she was cuddling a tiny pink bundle in her arms

"It's fine, Claire. Could you put Ava down for me please?"

"Sure thing, Bella, if you need me just shout" the woman gives me a glare, before taking the little bundle from Bella and heading back inside.

"What do you want, Chris?"

"Everyone was worried about you, so I thought it would be best if I came and checked on you"

"Well you can see I'm fine, so go back and enjoy yourself"

"Don't shut me out, Bell. Please, what has been going on?"

"I'm sick of people asking me that, nothing is going on, I am fine"

"Fuck- give it up, stop trying to deal with everything on your own. I know you hate me, I hate me too but scream at me or hit me or something, just do something Bella, you were and still are my fucking everything"

"I'm sorry, shit, I want to hate you but I can't, you were my everything, Chris. I never stopped loving you, how could I? I just don't know how much more shit I can take, everyone I love either leaves, gets hurt or fucking dies, it's best if we just part ways" that hits me worse than a punch in the gut, of course she would think like that, I left, her baby's dad died, her parents died then her boyfriend cheated on her. I can't see her like this anymore, I take a step closer to her and pull her into my arms and to my surprise she doesn't pull away, it feels like home.

"Hey Bella- oh shit- sorry, I just wanted to make sure were okay" upon hearing Sarah, Bella steps out of my arms and I suddenly feel lost.

A/N: aww this chapter was so hard to write, so what do we think of Chris? ❤❤