

Dale's Pov

Last night was complete chaos, Jay ended up with a black eye apparently from Bella who went missing, Sarah was frantic about everything, Bri was trying to remain calm and I couldn't help but notice that Chris, Jay's best man also went missing and to top all that off, Tyler showed up and by the end of the night he was like a raging bull from what I have been told Bella told him to leave.

After that description I'm sure you can imagine what the atmosphere is currently like as we are all sat having breakfast, Bella is ignoring everyone except her daughter, Jay is sat quietly, Sarah is trying to start conversations, Tyler is nowhere to be seen and Chris seems to be in his own world.

"We have a wedding tomorrow, Jay I'm sorry for hitting you, and I am sorry to everyone about last night" see that's the thing with Bella, she can get everyone's attention without even looking at them she has always been this way.

"It's fine, Bella. You and I can talk later and I apologise for you know" I watch as Jay looks at Chris and back to Bella, now I am even more confused but it seems a weight has been lifted from everyone's shoulders.

Watching my girl with her baby really does something to me, it truly is a beautiful sight, I wish she would see me for the real me you know like actually give me a chance, but after what Tyler did, I doubt she will be giving anyone a chance anytime soon.

Bellas pov

I couldn't take the silence at breakfast and after all my brother and my best friend are getting married tomorrow, for now all the other shit can wait. As everyone is finished breakfast we agree to all go into town this morning then us girls are going to a spa this afternoon and the lads are going to go and do their own thing, so I am just heading back to my room to get Ava ready with Claire while the others get ready to, Claire and I stop on the beach to take some photos, I feel a sense of calm after talking to Chris last night, I wasn't lying when I said I missed him.

The morning was fun and the spa was amazing, I got my nails done, pedicure, massage, and I also got a trim, since it is dinner time we arranged to meet with the lads since Sarah is staying with me and Ava tonight. Since Sarah and I went to get changed for dinner we are the last to arrive and she immediately halts gripping my arm pulling me back to her

"We can change seats if you want" my eyes wander over the table and I turn my back quickly to the table

"Why the fuck is Ty here?" I whisper yell at her

"Claire felt bad for him, but I thought you would be more bothered about sitting next to Chris" uh-oh this is bad, really bad.

"Fucking great, we are eating as quick as possible and leaving" I sigh walking over to the table, thankfully Ava is still asleep in her pram and I have been left in the seat that has plenty of space behind me for the pram.

"You look stunning" I turn my head quickly , surprised I didn't get fucking whip lash and my face almost collides with Chris's face, I can feel my face heating up

"You don't look half bad yourself" I smirk which earns a low growl

"What are you guys up to tonight then?" Sarah directs at the lads but she throws me a wink which doesn't go unnoticed by a few of the others including Claire who chokes on her water causing Sarah, Bri and myself erupting into laughter. All throughout our meal I could feel eyes on me which made me uneasy.

"Just going to have a few drinks, what about you ladies?" Jay looks at Sarah and I making us laugh

"Just a quiet night in, ya know reminiscing about old boyfriends" Sarah laughs but quickly slaps a hand over her mouth as I choke

"You alright?" Chris asks with a smirk and I shoot him a friendly glare

"I'm so sorry" Sarah apologises but laughs again and looks at Ty then Chris before mumbling "Whoops, my bad" she's trying to fucking kill me, I know it.

"OH MY BABY ISABELLA" ah crap my head whips to Jay who has the same look on his face, I stand and turn around

"Auntie Marie, Uncle Derek lovely to see you both" I'm wrapped in their arms getting the life squashed out of me

"Oh and look this must be my great-niece, she is beautiful Isabella"

"Just like her mom" I snap my head down to Chris and I don't think he has realised he said it out loud, but judging by the looks I am getting everyone heard.

"Oh Chris, lovely to see you again" My uncle gushes making me want to sink into the floor where I stand.

"Hi Marie, hi Derek, actually Bella and I were just leaving, it was lovely to see you both" Sarah speaks up grabbing Ava's pram and we leave but I turn just in time to see the glare Jay is giving us.

After we reach my room, I start getting Ava ready for bed and Sarah is getting the spare bedroom ready. Once I have bathed and fed Ava I tuck her up in her bed and Sarah and I get into our pyjamas

"What's going on between you and Chris then?" no beating around the Bush with her tonight

"Nothing, obviously you know our history and that's about it"

"Bullshit, Bella. Come on, you two were flirting all evening then his comment in front of everyone which I don't even think was supposed to be heard" I sigh loudly

"Fuck, it's just I'm comfortable with him we know each other, it's like home if that makes sense" the smile that forms on her face is out of this world

"I knew it, I knew you still loved him"

"Of course I do, I'll never stop loving him, he was my first everything" I respond truthfully.

"Shit, the first dance is going to be fun tomorrow then" she giggles but stops when she sees the look of confusion on my face "Oh, Bella. You will enter the ceremony with him, leave the ceremony with him and then there will be the first dance where it is compulsory for the maid of honor and best man to dance together"

"NO, HELL NO! Sarah you can not be fucking serious"

"I'm sorry babe, I tried to get Jay to make one of his ushers best man but he wasn't having it."

"Well it's your special day so I'm going to have to fucking suck it up"

A/N: I loved writing this chapter, who is enjoying the multiple updates? Don't forget to add to your library and comment, much love ❤