Chapter 301: Making a Friend_3

So, the store manager was truly flustered.

David Thompson saw the guy making the bubble tea looking around anxiously, he knew he must be searching for George Flack. Sigh, he didn't expect to be continually cleaning up such a mess.

"Looking for George, right? He's already gone. But you can go if things here are mostly wrapped up. You can take down my contact. Let me know how much this all costs."

Listening to the tired man in front of him, the manager felt a weight lifted off his shoulders. This was great. He didn't care about the details, just so long as someone paid. He couldn't be stuck in the middle with the bill.

Everyone was ready to start, but the director hadn't seen Aria Grant. With an internal flare of temper, seeing all the bubble tea people were gone, why was Aria still not here? Was she reluctant to leave her spot?

"Where's Aria? What's the situation? Has she not had enough rest yet after all this time? Why hasn't she appeared?"