Chapter 5- New Life

Heartbroken Ishuya is in her room looking out her window with nothing but darkness. No car lights and not even stars except the red full moon. She feels empty. She's neither okay nor in pain, she's like an empty shell staring into nothingness. She decided to scroll on her phone watching videos of cute puppies or cooking shows till she saw a picture. A picture that broke her even more. It is a picture posted by his mother where they ate out and with them is an unknown girl wearing Loki's jacket one where he had the same one with Ishuya. "Who the fuck is this bitch?! what happened to work on myself?! You're a fucking liar through and through!" as she throws her phone on the wall. She went out that time. Got herself a bottle of wine which btw Ishuya doesn't really drink and has a low tolerance. She drove and just drove wherever she might see a bit of light through the dark night sky. She ended up stopping by the beach where the moon is reflected on the ocean it looked beautiful but Ishuya couldn't enjoy it as she just burst into tears drinking her wine from the bottle. "Why?! You hurt me and left after all the fighting and now that you're gone how could you continue to hurt me!" As no one was around she just screamed away all that's hurting her. "It would've been better if you told me that you have someone else you fucking liar! Finding out this way is more painful, how can you even live with yourself!!" As she laid down on the sand and the waves filling the silent night she decided to go home. As she was standing she noticed a notebook glowing as the moon shines upon it. As she flipped the pages there is nothing she can find wiping her tears "good thing it didn't get wet, there's nothing written on it maybe I'll just take it home" Undecided on what to do with it she just left it on her desk.

She knows that yes he didn't ask her to fight for him or even wait for him. She did anyway out of love believing that somewhere he'd still be there. Isn't love supposed to be like that? just giving it your all whether it will work or not when you love someone so deeply even if it hurts you you'd face the trials head-on.

A few months later another full red moon (when the moon looks huge and kinda orange)...

Sitting in front of her desk at 2 am Ishuya can't sleep as she reminisces what happened to her recently she notice the notebook that she found by the beach and tho she never had a diary before, decided to write what's bothering her. "Dear diary, it's me Ishuya and you know every day I keep wondering what went wrong or what happened to me to get me to be in this state, being in my weakest state, and once again I am reminded about how it all began. I was your everyday teenager may be slightly happier and energetic compared to others but there was nothing really strange about me. I went to school, I had my friends and family and most importantly I had my one true love Loki. We were in love with each other a lot and did so many things together. I thought he was the one for me and I probably still do...I got a wake-up call only recently when we broke up which was actually a normal thing, any relationship would have its ups and downs but this time it was different, it seemed like there was no going back and it turned out to be actually right. My boyfriend, my soulmate, the love of my life, my one and only of almost 8 years had finally left me, and this time for good. I was torn down and shattered in many ways that could not even be explained" *little drops of tears could be seen on her diary and slight sniffling which were barely audible occurred *

"What if I just went home that time? What If I never got the chance to meet him? Maybe I won't be this miserable. He was my first boyfriend, he was there with me trying things I never thought I would be able to do. Being the black sheep in my family he was the one who guided me out. he was my source of happiness and everything is gone now that he is. I know I should be able to be happy on my own, stand on my own. it's not that easy! it hurts. It hurts so bad I could die. honestly yeah you know that feeling when u wanna die but not really? you just wanna get rid of the pain. I can't breathe, I can't eat, it's suffocating! " She grabbed her chest as if trying to rip her heart out from the pain. Tears keep flowing down her face *Hic**Hic* "I can't do this anymore! I should've been born a tree or something! it's so unfair! I gave my everything and stood by him when no one else did so why! why am I the one being left behind?!" she took her pillow and hugged it tightly covering her mouth with it she screamed. You can feel the pain from her cry as if it's her last time. She let herself cry it all out feeling alone, feeling worthless more than ever."They say God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers. If it's like that I don't wanna be any more just make it end, I am so tired please" She cried for hours till she fell asleep, her head rested on her diary, and tears just kept flowing.

Her diary started glowing and butterflies are coming out of it. Then a voice spoke, "You've suffered enough, it's time you focus on yourself live the way you want, and finally be happy." *a gentle hand tucked her hair behind her ear and as he kissed her forehead, she glowed and vanished*

; Suddenly she's in a misty forest with big tall trees that you can't even see the top of it with the mist "Woah, are those bunnies? kinda like humans though but they so cute!" 2 injured harefolks are barely running towards her as she noticed that behind them are 3 more and looks to be too afraid to move. She also noticed 5 dark with glowing patterned beasts and before she can think she started running towards them "I don't know what those are but I gotta help them. I'll just scoop them and run. but wait I'm pretty fast well perks of having long legs I guess" As she got behind the bunnies they looked at her but they were terrified of her more than the beasts and they uttered, "It's the monster" in their point of view her eyes were red and as if she was pure evil. That was the last thing she heard before she hugged them as the beasts were about to hit them with their large spikey paws "This may just be a dream but at least I'll die being able to protect these cute creatures. What the hell it's like I'm sacrificing myself over plushies. Well it is better than feeling the pain of being betrayed by someone I poured my heart and soul to" as she braced herself and closed her eyes all she felt was the ground shaking and hearing tiny voices say

Bunny 1: Didn't they say we should avoid the princess cause she'll kill us?

Ishuya: Princess? What are they talking about? I'm just a teenage girl. *She mumbled as she fainted*

Bunny 2: But she saved us!

Bunny 3: Yeah we can't just leave her here after saving us

; 50 years ago the Deities of heaven >Amaterasu and destruction >Shiva were of course at war. Until one day they united to eliminate Shiro an angel and Amber a demon who fell in love with each other. According to Apollo's prophecy mixing the two bloodlines of supreme beings will cause the destruction of all. For it will rule everything and would destroy imperfection. But their fate changed the moment Ishuya's soul stepped into their world and since then they would try and test her if they should let her live or eliminate her for the sake of their existence.

A few moments later she slowly opened her eyes, sat down, and stretch her arms up as she yawns "ugh~ what?! I'm alive so it was a dream huh... what a strange dream... It's the weekend what should I do today?" She left her pillow up "where's my phone? wait how'd I get in bed?" she then realized it's not her room "wtf? where am I? Who's room is this? did someone kidnap me or something?" as she was approaching the door she noticed herself pass by a mirror and went back to see look at herself.

; She screamed "ahh! wi...wings? horns? wha... elf ears?! who...who is this? si..since when did my hair turn pink? and what's with this face?*she pinched herself* "ouchies, where'd my resting bitch face go? what the.. is that a tail!? why do I have a tail? what am I? And why am I so tiny?!" Having her parents look Ishuya has pink hair, horns black and white wings a tail, and purple eyes, and also she's only less than 5ft now

; She was then startled when the door slammed open. As she was about to turn around, she was hugged from behind by a tan guy with long blue hair and piercing eyes "Thank god you finally woke up" Ishuya was confused and at the same time shocked by what's happening and who this person is she turned around and slowly pushed him away as he arm stretched forward and head bowed "uh..uhm, who are you? where am I?" as she slowly looked up to him and talks internally "Woah he's tall, and his voice is familiar" the guy then smiled at her and pats her head gently then lightly flicked her forehead "Ishuya. You hit your head pretty hard huh? It's me Kurt, your one and only friend in the kingdom?" "huh? kingdom? Is this one of those isekai in anime? Well, I've been wishing for another life but is this really it? I don't remember getting hit by truck-kun or anything. What kind of world is this though? looking at myself I look pretty weird" talking to herself again until she noticed two figures behind Kurt who both looked relieved. They both walked towards her and hugged her "thank god you're okay now my child" the woman said. "Don't worry, they've been dealt with, my princess" the man said as he kissed her head "Child? Princess? am I royalty or something? so these are my parents? and dealt with? I better ask"

Ishuya: Uhm excuse me but, what happened?

Queen Amber: Well it was actually Kurt who did the work darling.

King Shiro: Glad he found you in time and was able to let us know right away.

Kurt: *noticed her looked at him and clears his throat* ahem well I came to pick you up for our dinner but your butler said you didn't come home yet since you left in a hurry in the afternoon, so I went to look for you. I found two badly injured harefolk by the ominous forest and asked me for help saying the cursed princess and their 3 brothers stayed behind so they can escape. By the time I got there, the trion beasts are dead and the 3 harefolks were carrying you. Although you had a few cuts, you most likely fainted cause you used too much mana. *went to scold mode* How many times do I have to tell you?! You need to practice containing your mana first and not engage. I know you were just trying to help them but you might've hurt them too. You know that everyone in the kingdom still believes that you're a curse and so they avoid you. Well, yes a few people know you're kind but everyone else. *shake his head*

King: *clears throat* That's enough! The only reason why I allowed you to enter freely in our palace is that you're her friend. Don't forget to treat her with respect! She is my princess! *picks up Ishuya*

Ishuya:!? *her face turned red as she was embarrassed and noticed Kurt's expression. At this point, ishuya is overwhelmed and don't know how to react as she is being treated differently*

Kurt: I offer my apology, Your highness *bowed as he tried to contain his laughter*

King: I would've obliterated everyone who thinks ill of my princess but that's not what she wanted. Btw where are the twins?

Queen: *placed her hand on the king's shoulder* ahem put her down already. It's about time we feed our daughter she must be hungry. They should be preparing Ishuya's favorite food. you know how they can get when it comes to our daughter.

Ishuya: *with her face still red from embarrassment she chuckled awkwardly* sh...shall we? "I still can't believe what's happening but it feels warm it's so different from back home. And I have twin siblings?! how cool is that? If this is a dream I don't wanna wake up"