Chapter 48 Regret

Village Hidden in the Grass.

Near Tenchi Bridge.

Near the dense forest, a battle seemed to be going on, the surroundings all damaged, few trees also looked like they were pulled out from the aftermath.

"No, I'm going to die this way!!"

Orochimaru who was falling down due to force of gravity, couldn't move his body at all, but from the corner of his eyes he did see Azuma standing down pointing his blade at him.

He wanted to launch a substitution but his body seemed to have completely stopped working, shadow of death looming over his head, as he cried in his heart, a panicked look over his pale face.

Now Just like Azuma said, he regretted appearing before him, when he had heard Azuma who was weak as a chicken two years ago defeated four members of Akatsuki, his greed blinded his senses.

Someone who can defeat four Kage rank powerhouses, one after another, would definitely be someone he can't handle alone, but his greed to catch Azuma was his doom.


Azuma on the ground, took a deep breath, the purple lightning around him vanishing, a red aura surrounding him completely, his arms turning black, so do the hilt of his blade.


The next moment, Azuma squatted a little putting force in his legs, and ejected towards Orochimaru who was falling down, turning into a red light.


"One Sword Style! Death-Hawk's Song!"


Orochimaru only saw a red light approaching him, the world suddenly turning black and white for a moment, a black blade right before his face, him shouting madly in his heart.



A hawks' cry sounded, a green light shot towards the cloud, dispersing them completely, followed by a heart wrenching painful cry, resounding throughout in miles, but soon the voice completely faded away, leaving a strange silence.


Azuma landed on the ground, a calm look over his face, his black arms turning normal, the red aura around him dispersing.


The next moment, Azuma put the blade on his back, a head with a long neck falling from the sky, rolling around his legs, the longue tongue still hanging out, eyes white.



Looking at the head of Orochimaru, Azuma took out a seal scroll and sealed the head in it, it was needed to show back in the village.

"Unless someone resurrects him, Orochimaru won't be able return"

Thought Azuma, as he had completely obliterated Orochimaru, not giving him a slight chance to escape, like turning into a small snake or his other ways.

But he knew Orochimaru isn't completely dead yet, as curse marks are assurance of Orochimaru, if someone un seals them, Orochimaru will be able to return.

But he didn't care much about that, knowing that to kill Orochimaru was even more difficult than killing an Otsutsuki.

Not thinking about Orochimaru anymore, Azuma looked around to find Naruto and Sakura but saw no sign of them.

"It seems my work isn't over yet!" Thought Azuma, a helpless look over his face, as after using Observation Haki, he found them about 2 to 3 kilometers away from here, where aside from them Sai, Sakura and Naruto, he felt another aura.


Purple lightning appeared around Azuma, as with a crackling sound, he disappeared, going after Naruto and others.


Orochimaru's base.


"Damn where's that bastard Sai?"

In the corridor, with snake like patterns carved on the walls, Naruto and Sakura ran as the former opened the door of a room and founding nothing, he cursed.

"This is Orochimaru's base, what business does Sai have here?

Sakura beside him found it strange why Sai had arrived here, they were chasing him, but the latter brought them to Orochimaru's base.

"Who knows? But we have to catch him, Azuma left this to us!"

Naruto didn't care for why Sai had brought them here, all he wanted to do was catch him, as Azuma had left this on them, he wanted to prove that he could complete his mission as well.

"You're right!"

Hearing his words, Sakura nodded as she also wanted to prove that she wasn't useless and had gotten stronger, ready to face any challenge.


That way!


Naruto and Sakura speeded up looking for Sai everywhere, but suddenly a massive explosion sounded, shaking the base, as Sakura pointed towards the location of explosion, both of them running towards it.

In the gloomy corridor, a light appeared at the end of it, as Sakura even surpassed Naruto running towards the source of light.

"Sai, you bastar_______"

As Sakura got closer to the source of light, she saw the outside situation as well, broken rocks everywhere, the familiar dark haired guy standing outside looking upward.

In a flash, Sakura arrived near him, her fist moving towards him, ready to give him a pounding but suddenly she halted, spotting a figure standing above from the corners of her eyes.


Sakura forgot to hit Sai, as stupefied she kept looking at the figure who with bare chest dressed in white, a sword on his waist, stood quietly, the breeze blowing his black hair, a calm look over his handsome face.


Naruto also walked out and just like Sasuke he was also left in a trance seeing the figure, standing with his hands on his waist.


Sasuke who had been looking at them quietly finally spoke, as he couldn't stop himself after seeing the blonde hair kid.

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