Chapter 54


Orochimaru's lab.

(I just tried writing from Azuma's perspective rather than 3rd person, please give your thoughts about it, It may seem a bit weird, I never tried it before, anyway please give your honest thoughts)

"Mangekyo Sharingan!" Seeing the pattern in Sasuke's eyes, I couldn't help whisper in a low voice, the aura of Sasuke under my Observation Haki increasing a lot, his strength increasing.

"Sasuke…" Hearing my words, both Naruto and Sakura arrived beside me, and seeing the pattern in Sasuke's eye they were stunned as well.

"What are you going to do now?" I asked looking at Sasuke, whose both hands were covering his eyes, my eyebrows raised a little.

"Why did you tell me all this, aren't you afraid I would take revenge on Leaf?" Sasuke raised his head at my question, and asked, looking at me with his newly awakened Mangekyo, a complex look over his face.

"Like said earlier, I just wanted to give you a chance before you lost everything, you were bound to learn the truth one day but at that time you would have nothing left, and would be drove to darkness"


I said, and moved forward, putting a hand on Sasuke's shoulders, looking straight in his Mangekyo I continued: "If Despite knowing the truth I hadn't told you, If I were to kill you in the future, I would feel guilty, whether to return to leaf or destroy it, it's your choice, but remember this, next time my blade won't stop"

Saying that, I removed my hand from the shoulders of Sasuke, and walked to the side, leaning on the wall with my eyes closed, giving Sasuke the time to think.

Seeing Azuma leaning on the wall, Sasuke kept seated on the chair, every emotion appearing on his face, the memories of Itachi like a movie running in his mind, but some new memories also appeared.

The figures of Naruto and Sakura with arms wide protecting him also appeared in his mind, his eyes couldn't help but get teary again.

Naruto and Sakura kept looking at Sasuke with nervous expressions on their face, their hands clenched together, hearts beating fast.



Finally, heaving a deep sigh Sasuke stood up and arrived before Sakura and Naruto, his eyes facing both of them.

"Naruto…Sakura… I had lost my whole clan…I can't forgive those who drove my clan to death…I won't kill Itachi any more…but Danzo has to die…"


"If you are against it," saying that in the astonished eyes of Naruto and Sakura, Sasuke took out a Kunai and stretched it before them, continuing" kill me here and now, you saved my life just now and you can take it again…If I were to live…I won't be able to stop myself from killing those who drove my clan to death"

Saying that Sasuke closed his eyes, the kunai still stretched before the tearful Sakura and the astonished Naruto.


But just when Sasuke was waiting for to die, Naruto who had an astonished look over his face, suddenly waved his hands towards the kunai, it flying away, the former opening his eyes.

"Bastard! When did you became so weak, what that Danzo did is unforgivable, he has to pay for his crimes…"

Shouted Naruto looking angrily at Sasuke, whose eyes widened after hearing his words.

"Naruto…you…" Sakura also looked at Naruto like she had seen a ghost, Naruto always have forgiven every enemy, she never expected him to act like this.

"Ha…really unpredictable…" I couldn't help but open my eyes and chuckle, hearing Naruto's words, as he could always come up with something unexpected.

"Danzo betrayed Uchiha Shisui and also drove the Uchiha Clan to extinction, if we were to tell everything to Granny Tsunade, she would surely bring him to justice"

"Yes, Sasuke-Kun, Lady Tsunade also doesn't like Danzo, she will surely help you get justice…come back with us…"

Naruto told his plan to make Danzo pay for what he did to Sasuke, Sakura on the side chipped in as well, assuring the Sasuke.

"Haha!" Hearing their words Sasuke began to laugh, puzzling both Naruto and Sakura, seeing them like this, Sasuke stopped and said with a mocking look in his eyes: "Do you really think the Hokage will punish someone who has been around for much longer than her?"

"Danzo should be aware of all the secrets of the village, there is no way the Hokage would endanger the safety of the village just for me"

Said Sasuke, the mocking look in his eyes still there, to him Naruto and Sakura were too naïve.


Hearing his words, both Naruto and Sakura were left speechless, as they couldn't come up with anything convincing to assure Sasuke.

"What If I were to assure you that you will get your chance to take Danzo's head off?" Seeing the situation, I knew it was time for me intercede, and give Sasuke a final push towards light, completely out of darkness.

"How?" Asked Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura both looking at him as well, equally curious as Sasuke.

They didn't believe that Azuma would just straightforwardly attack Danzo and bring him to Sasuke, as that would make Azuma a rogue, attacking an advisor was considered a treason.

They needed a solid evidence to convict Danzo, only than could they bring him to justice.

"The truth behind Uchiha Clan's demise, only six people were supposed to know, Mitokado Homura, Koharu Utatane, Danzo Shimura, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Uchiha Itachi and the guy who helped Itachi in killing the whole clan"

"But as you saw I was aware of everything, don't ask me how, that isn't something you should worry about, just like that I also know something about Danzo, that would bring him from heaven to hell in seconds"

"If you believe me, come back to the village, you will get your chance to exact your revenge" I said to Sasuke, assuring him that he would get a chance to exact his revenge.

Hearing Azuma's words, Sakura had a happy look on her face, knowing since Azuma said so, then he might really have a conclusive evidence against Danzo.

"Here take this…"

Naruto on the other hand had a light smile on his face, as he walked towards Sasuke, and took out a leaf headband, a scratch line on it, stretching it before Sasuke.


"Let's go back…" Looking at the headband before him, Sasuke couldn't remember the fight at final valley, a smile appearing on his face, as giving Naruto a light node, he took the headband from him, wearing it on his forehead the next moment.

"Haha…Team 7 has returned"


Naruto was ecstatic, as he laughed loudly and put an arm around Sasuke's neck, some tears at the corners of his eyes.

Sakura also cheered like a little girl, lunging towards them, hugging both Naruto and Sasuke, tears of joy running down her cheeks.

"Idiots…let go of me…" Sasuke who was suffocated by both couldn't help but complain, the arrogant look from two years ago returning,

"Haha, he really is back…" Seeing him acting like this, Naruto laughed even more, the familiar feeling filling his heart, Sakura equally happy as well, a red glow on her face.

"Ha…Don't make a scene…let's return…" Seeing them like this, I couldn't help but chuckle and feel a little envious, and strode towards Sai who lay on the ground, ready to lift him and go back.



But just when I crouched down to lift Sai, a voice fell in my ears, and saw both Sakura and Naruto lunging towards me.

"Haha…Thank You…for everything…" both Naruto and Sakura threw me down, both hugging my neck, laughing loudly, I dumbfounded.

Finally, after cheering for a while, both of them let go of me, as picking Sai up, I turned on Lightning Chakra Mode and ran away, not wanting to stay anymore with them, moving towards the village.

"Haha, wait for us!"

The happy Sakura and Naruto quickly followed him, Sasuke behind shaking his head, stepping on the gas as well, keeping up with them.

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