Chapter 10 - Suspicious

"Is that it?" asked Jin.

Ken turned to face him with a curious look, unsure of what he meant.

"Just a few chants of scripture and a declaration from a priest, and just like that (he snapped his finger), we are saints?"

Ken laughed, shaking his head.

"Well, what were you expecting, Jin?" A flagellation?"Or perhaps another crucifixion?" asked Akio, coming out with them from the hall.

"No. It's just..."I just don't feel it, you know?" he answered.

Ken placed a hand on Jin's shoulder again,

"It is what it is, whether you feel it or not." So why not enjoy it while it lasts?"

"While it lasts?" he asked with an arched brow.

"Well, we're going on other assassinations after Memorial Week, aren't we?" "So let's enjoy God's blessings as saints while we have the chance to," Ken explained.

"Okay, fine, I get that, but what if the priest himself is not qualified as a Pious Vicar in the first place?"

"Faith, Jin! Faith! "That's all you need, friend," answered Ken, patting his shoulder.

"So guys, have any of you thought of something fun we could do as a team during the festivities?" came Akito's voice from behind.

"Well, what do you have in mind, Akito?"


While they were still speaking, from a short distance at the edge of the building, stood Zaraki Mitsuki and his close comrade Hirai Masashi, believed to be the strongest elite operatives in the organization.

They were close friends and partners and were the only squad consisting of only two operatives.

Together as a team, they were formidable, coming back successful from every mission they embarked on as a unit without fail.

The formidable duo has succeeded in various dangerous missions, such as the destruction of fables including dragons, basilisks, chimeras, and trolls—a feat no squad of two could ever accomplish before them.

This week they were dispatched on two separate missions: Hirai went on two missions involving the apprehension of juvenile fables and rogue wizards, while Zaraki joined the Mia Squad to apprehend two elite deserters (Runaway Operatives).

So they were also present at the remission ceremony, not only by obligation but as religious enthusiasts themselves—though in a more mature fashion.

The duo stood at the edge of the building, observing.

Their focus wasn't on Ken and his agnostic comrades, but mainly on Mia and her strange-looking companion.

"Have you ever seen that guy among us, Hirai?" asked Zaraki.

Hirai also examined him,

"Now that you ask, I was also curious the moment I saw him assembled with us. "I haven't seen him."

Zaraki sighed,

"Do you think he's a spy?"

"I don't know, but it's worth investigating."

"I have a bad feeling about him, something I can't put my finger on, given the fact that your photographic memory can't recognize him."

Hirai chuckled,

"I must say, Zaraki...I almost fell for your sweet talk there. "Do you think I'm that good at memorizing things?"

"Your modesty makes me want to puke, Hirai."

Hirai laughed,

"I'm glad it does, Zaraki. But as for that stranger, it's most likely he's a spy.

"I agree, but the only problem is that that begs the question: if a spy has been in our ranks, how come he has not been fished out by his peer operatives?" "Could it be that he just started infiltration?"

"That's highly unlikely, Zaraki."


"Want me to keep an eye on him?"

"Yes, you are the best covert operative I know."

Hirai was startled by his reply.

"What's going on, Zaraki?" "Why are you complimenting me like this today?"

"What are you talking about?" asked Zaraki, looking confused.

Hirai arched a brow, looking confused by Zaraki's oblivion.

"You're weird, you know that, Zaraki?"

"You tell me that every day."

"And it never sunk in, it seems," said Hirai, looking disappointed.

"I'm going to the dorm."

"Alright then," waved Hirai.

"I expect to hear more from you presently," said Zaraki as he waved back, leaving.

Meanwhile, Jin was wrapping up his discussion with his friends,

"That sounds perfect. Mia needs to hear this! "Where is Mia?" he asked.

Akio's eyes widened as he remembered.

"I saw her walking off hastily with a strange-looking operative a moment ago."

"Yes, I thought it was strange."

"I know, right?" "I mean, apart from us, which guy could tolerate her stupidity?" asked Akito.

"I don't know guys, but I have a bad feeling about that guy."


That evening...

On a green hill, about a day's walk from the walls of Langford's capital city, stood seven mysterious figures, all dressed in hooded white cloaks and uniformed with the mark of the Zion Empire.

They stood on the hillside looking over the beautiful city, as if for the mere pleasure of enjoying the view. Though it was relaxing, it wasn't what they were here for—they were there to watch in anticipation for their leader's signal, on which they were to attack the city with brute force.

There were only seven of them, but they each had the power of an army.

They were special beings known as "fable men"—humans gifted with the ability to manifest the power of legendary fables through their human physical forms. Most magic scholars would call them the spirits of gods and monsters manifested in a human body.

These abilities were discovered by the Oracle, the magical spirit worshipped by the Empire, and were the powers of the able men. These fabled men would be tasked with spreading the influence and power of the empire, bringing every part of the continent under its rulership.

"Damn. I hope Drey hasn't been distracted again! one whined,

"I'm itching to kill someone!" he continued, feeling bored and uneasy.

"Control yourself, Izuku!" berated the one right next to him,

"We have to stick with the plan!"

Then another spoke up,

"Knowing Master Drey, he's probably slacking off with some unlucky whore until the time is right to start our invasion," she said, right before facing the person who spoke before she did,

"Izuku may be right on this one, Yuri."

"Yuri is wrong!" said one youthful member earnestly.

"Master Drey is not like that! "Stop making jokes about him!"

The other comrades shook their heads, as the feeling of having the obsessed Tobirama never grew old.

They were all getting tired of the way Tobi idolized Drey to the point of absurdity.

Several times they had considered throwing him out of the group, but his abilities were far too precious to get rid of.

So they had to tolerate him.

Urahara (one of them) yawned, facing Yuri,

"How about you and Tobirama stay here and keep watch while the rest of us go for a walk?" "We've been standing here for hours now, and I'm getting hungry."

Yuri arched a brow and replied,

"Where do you think you're going?" "First off, Master Drey gave orders to keep watch until he gives the signal. And second, why would I have to be the one to babysit Tobirama?"

"I'm not a child!" Tobi protested.

"Shut up!" they both yelled back.

"Come on, Yuri! "We're not going far, and besides, once Master Drey gives the signal, we'll be back in no time!"

Izuku laughed at what she said.

"You better be careful with the way you eat, Urahara." "At this rate, you will never get married."

Urahara got pissed by what he said and faced him angrily.

"How about we go a few rounds, and at the end, we'll see who gets ugly?"

"Fine by me," he answered, shooting out his claws and sharp teeth, brimming with excitement at the thought of fighting her.