Chapter 11 - Operative or Spy?

"Stop it, both of you!" yelled Yuri, settling their childish dispute with the authority second only to Drey's.

Almost immediately, they looked away from each other, knowing that a skirmish wouldn't get them anywhere at a time like this.

"Damn it, Yuri. You're no fun! - "I wanted to watch them kill each other!" whined Tobirama, who was eager to watch them fight to the death.

"Shut up, Tobi!" yelled Izuku and Urahara.

While all this happened, the other three still stood in their positions.

One of them, Akira Kazumi, hardly noticed the little dispute that had just occurred, as his mind was occupied with only one goal: to be united with the one he loved.

Months earlier, he was dispatched to Langford as a spy in disguise, where he met his love before leaving, promising to come back for her.

The others, Enji and Genta, had nothing but hatred and loyalty in their hearts, as they had grown to hate the world that rejected them due to their deformity and were extremely loyal to Drey.

Because of this, the duo were the quiet ones in the group, having no personal will or resolve that didn't revolve around the wishes of their dear Master Drey.

Perhaps it was because, while they were homeless orphans with no place nor purpose, Dry offered them hope that nobody else offered them.

But regardless of their different perspectives and lifestyles, they were all loyal to their Master Drey, and their past victories had proven it was not wise to do otherwise—seeing firsthand what happened to everyone who stood in his way.

Currently, they have one goal in mind: the destruction of Langford.

According to the ideals of the Supreme Emperor, its very existence was a plague that had to be removed for the well-being of the Empire.


Drey sat with Mia on the straw-layered rooftop of the tavern, where they had broken their fast a few hours ago by eating lunch.

Mia hated to admit it to herself, but the past few hours were very fun—who would've thought that Drey was such an interesting person to be with?

Barely five minutes passed without a cracking joke that caused Mia to throw her head back in laughter, wishing they could do this for as long as she wanted them to.

After another laugh, she quickly sobered up to ask the question she had been itching to ask.

"Just who are you, Drey?"

"Drey Matsumoto," he simply answered.

Mia chuckled,

"I'm serious, Drey. In the few years I've spent serving as an operative, "I've never seen you."

"Oh, really?" he asked. "So you make it a priority to recognize every member of the Sukunaku?" "Aren't you too pretty for that?"

"Sh... Shut... Shut Up!" "Pervert!" she cursed as loudly as she could, causing Drey to laugh hysterically.

So she sobered up immediately to explain,

"I and hundreds of children a couple of years ago were put through the most hellish and difficult experiences before becoming operatives. Out in the wild, full of fables and elements that seemed built for our destruction, we had to stick together at all times, using the safety of numbers. But like my other surviving comrades, I watched as the people closest to me got eaten by trolls and goblins or burned alive by the breath of dragons. I eventually lost all hope and almost submitted to my terrible fate when I met my best friend, Jin. He somehow restored my will to live and fight no matter the cost, and I met his close companions, who are now part of my squad. "We were barely over fifty that survived, and after years of living with them in the dorms, I've come to know everyone, so there's no way I wouldn't know you, given we're the youngest set of operatives ordinated."

She was right and surprised at her behavior; normally, at the slightest hint of suspicion, she would've taken action against him, but for some reason, she felt safe and secure with him.

Perhaps it was because he had the look of an angel with whom nothing could ever go wrong. Though she wasn't willing to admit it to herself, she was bewitched by this stranger.

"I see," he stated right before staring at the sky,

"This 'Jin' whom you spoke about, is he someone special to you?"

"He's an idiot." "But I owe him my life, and I'm happy fighting by his side," she answered.

"I'm going to ask you again, Drey, who are you?" she asked.

"If I told you, you would not believe me, and if I asked you a question, you would not answer me," he answered.

Mia rolled her eyes.

"Quoting the Scriptures now, eh?" "How original," she remarked, resting her head on her chin as if bored by his statement.

"Before I tell you, Mia... can I ask you a question?" he asked.

"Oh," she reacted, "shoot."

"Do you believe in Kristos's resurrection?" he asked.

"Of course I do," she answered, "I took an oath to the Kristene religion along with all the other operatives on the day of our ordination."

"I see," he responded.

Mia raised her two hands, confused,

"Why are you bringing this up now?" What does it have to do with the question? Or are you buying time so you can pull a fast one on me and run away?"

Drey chuckled lightly,

"Trust me, darling, I'm not going anywhere," he stated as he sat right next to her, close enough to easily apprehend should he try to flee.

This gave her a bit of assurance.

"Start talking," she instructed.

"Why do you think Kristos was executed?"

Mia, knowing she could easily apprehend him, chose to chat with him for a while.

"He was accused of blasphemy."

"Was that all that got him executed?" he asked.

"Yes, blasphemy," she stated simply.

He responded by explaining,

"You're wrong, Mia. You see, his people arrested him because of that, but that was not what got him killed. What got him executed was the capital crime of standing against the Emperor. "That was the only type of crime the Romans were interested in, and that is why they had him executed. "

"by crucifixion, a Roman, exclusive method of punishment," she completed.

"You are right," he commended, "and that is where I come in. You see, Kristos failed as a political messiah, and that failure cost him his life. I will not make the same mistakes he made. "I have come to deliver God's message to this kingdom, and the time has come for Langford to see the light of Zion and be enlightened."

Mia was not impressed by his statement.

"It seems the little sake (booze) we had after lunch has gotten to your head."

"Perhaps, but it is necessary," he replied.

"Alright, that's it! "You're coming with me!" She stated that she was about to get up and grab him.

To her surprise, he had anticipated her movements and swiftly apprehended her, holding her down by twisting her arm in such a way that it would dislocate her shoulder if she resisted much.

She lay there, on the straw-layered roof, with Drey right on top of her, unsheathing his dagger.

"It's a shame." "I like you," he said as he bent down to plant a small kiss on her cheek as she lay helplessly beneath him.

Their swift movements on the roof caused a disturbance in the tavern, making the manager come out to discover what was going on.

"Hey! "What's going on up there?" yelled the manager of the tavern as he stepped outside, looking up.

"Are you both still up there? Keep it down, will you?" "You're disturbing my customers!" He instructed her right before Mia cried out in response,

"Call the authorities! "This man is a spy!"

"Damn you!" Drey cursed as he brought down his dagger for her throat, ready to end Mia's life.