Chapter 23 - Total Mayhem

The breach in the city's walls had caused the city to fall into mayhem. The streets of the suburban provinces, which were previously dark and quiet, became lit up by the fire and noise from the panicking citizens.

Urahara and Tobirama had almost nothing to do with it, as all they did so far was breach the wall and stir things up a little, and everything went just as Drey predicted it would: The people were destroying their city by themselves!

The people were panicking in a way that felt unusual compared to the other cities they had conquered.

Stores were being robbed in the open and set on fire, and the streets were beyond disorganized in barely half an hour since they had arrived.

Some of the city's soldiers had to take drastic action to stop the panicking population from destroying the city they were trying to protect.

Because of the current state of the military right now, which is divided between maintaining law and order and also fighting the intruders that somehow were able to break the city walls, their influence was stretched thin, thereby making their actions less efficient.

Some time ago, during one of their first movements of exploring the city before taking it down, Urahara showed skepticism at the thought of successfully destroying the city, given how mighty the walls were and the long period of peace the kingdom had been able to keep.

Drey, sensing her disbelief, simply said,

"Taking down a city that has known no war for over a generation is remarkably easy, Urahara. "All you have to do is give the people something to panic about, and out of fear they will destroy their home city for you."

But Urahara was so skeptical that she questioned how he was able to come up with such a bold conclusion.

So Drey simply explained,

"It's quite simple...The city that experiences frequent wars and attacks does not fall into turmoil whenever it is attacked because its people simply act accordingly to keep their home from falling into the hands of the enemy, as their previous war experiences have disciplined them to stay calm in the midst of the storm.

"But the city that has been spoiled by too many years of peace and protection will easily crumble by its own hands at the first sign of trouble, as its people have become too complacent to let necessity drive them accordingly in the face of tribulations."

Still, Urahara did not believe Drey back then but respectfully concurred nonetheless.

But now, seeing Master Drey's prediction accurately unfold right before her very eyes was a testimony to his charisma and a reminder of how they all came to give him great respect, even though he was just an enforcer like the rest of them.

Tobirama at this point had forgotten entirely about their conversation, and she was glad he did, as he would freak out at the mere thought of his beloved Master Drey's "prophecies" coming true.

This excited Urahara, assuring her that this conquest would become a huge success—one they (the enforcers) would all be proud of at the end of it.


Meanwhile, back at the dormitories, Hirai and Mikan were helping out the surviving operatives, offering medical help as much as they could, but a few minutes barely passed before a messenger ran into the hall with urgent news,

"General Shin Shang has given the emergent order for all operatives to head to the northern walls immediately!"

Hirai arched a brow, curious as to what may have happened to trigger such an emergency,

"What happened exactly?" he asked.

"The wall has been breached... by powerful intruders!" he replied sharply.

Everyone alive in the hall gasped in shock at the news, all except Hirai, who looked like he was anticipating such a catastrophe.

He maintained his composure as he instructed the messenger,

"Once you have finished informing every present operative in all the dormitories, head to the royal province to request a state of emergency with the same news you have just reported. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir," replied the messenger right before leaving.

Hirai immediately turned around to face the survivors and asked,

"Which one of you survivors can still fight?"

They all raised their hands in response, giving an obvious answer, including Akito. He had managed to snap out of his grieving trance and needed some action to keep his mind on edge. He had also carefully laid his brother's body on the ground to raise his hand, and Hirai took note of it.

"Excellent!" remarked Hirai, impressed by their work ethic for duty when it heavily mattered...

"Then let's get going, shall we?"

It was at that moment that Mia remembered...

"Hirai," she called out.

"Yes?" he answered.

"It's Zaraki; I think he is in trouble," she answered.


Zaraki was getting overwhelmed by Drey's superior swordsmanship. He had been forced to play defensively ever since they clashed earlier, and things were not looking good for him.

He was fighting for his dear life, which he was most certain of losing if he did not come up with something fast, while Drey was smiling and laughing in excitement, obviously having fun fighting him without any sign of struggle or desperation.

As they were fighting, a loud crumbling sound came from the northern side of the city, distracting the both of them for a moment before they continued.

But Drey immediately cut Zaraki's side with his sword, causing him to kneel and groan in pain as blood profusely poured out of the wound.

"It seems the others have gotten my signal... I guess that means I have to get this over with as soon as possible. "It has been fun, Zaraki, but unfortunately, I have to bring this to a close," he said as he unsheathed his second sword.

Zaraki braced himself, knowing that Drey now had the intent to kill and was no longer willing to play around. Zaraki was out of options at this point and had resolved in his mind to initiate the forbidden Blood Mist technique soon enough, whose power would be able to rival Drey's abilities, but as a last resort.

He knew either way, though, that he was going to die. The blood mist was certainly going to kill him, as it had killed everyone that had attempted to use it, including Yuzu Tachibana...

....On the other hand, fighting Drey head-on would also lead to his demise.

Either way, he was going to die.

Drey pointed his two swords at Zaraki,

"Let's finish this," he said.

Zaraki took a deep breath and made a quick examination of himself.

"I have no regrets..." he smiled, ready to face his death.