Chapter 24 - The 'Kami No Me' (Eyes of God)

Zaraki braced himself, closing his eyes, preparing for the worst as Drey lunged at him with his two swords.

Then came a clash of swords, producing a sharp metal sound that was almost deafening to the ear.

Zaraki opened his eyes and widened them in surprise at what he saw—right in front of him was Hirai Masashi blocking the hit with his sword.

"It seems you have gone soft, haven't you, Zaraki?" he asked.

Zaraki frowned, hiding his gratitude for being saved. "Shut up!" he fired back.

Drey smiled but whined.

"Oh, another elite, why didn't you show up earlier when I had the time to play with both of you?"

Hirai swung his sword, sending Drey flying several feet backwards.

"Okay then, if you insist... I'll play with the both of you, just for a while..." said Drey as he set his stance, ready to attack them both at the same time.

"He's one of the invaders...." Zaraki said to Hirai.

"I know. Mia and a messenger filled me in," replied Hirai.

"Mia? "Mia told you to come here?" asked Zaraki, surprised.

"Yes, she said you were a weakling compared to your opponent and could die if not rescued or assisted." It turns out she was right. Thanks to her, you are not dead right now... "You owe her your life," he answered.

"She called me a weakling..." he laughed. "That part was expected," remarked Zaraki, still thinking about it.

"Zaraki, focus!" he instructed. "How do we kill this guy?"

"How about we try "the Elite's Duo Formation"?" suggested Zaraki.

"Alright then," concurred Hirai right before running along with Zaraki to attack Drey.

Drey smiled as he clashed with them, grinning with ecstasy as he took on the two Elites in a sword frenzy.


Meanwhile, Enji and Genta were still on the hill right outside the city, conjuring their celestial spirit into its physical form (the Kami No Me, the Eyes of God).

Legend has it that whoever looked into the eyes of this celestial spirit would face the heaviest misfortune imaginable.

Now it was time to activate it—to bring down its dreaded gaze upon Langford City to ensure its permanent destruction. It had not been activated for centuries now, so nobody knew for sure how accurate its legend was, so tonight would be the time of its revelation.

Once activated, it would rain down literal destruction upon the city, destroying any hope left of turning the tide against the invaders.

Langford was a large city, and even with the combined power of all the Enforcers, it would take over a whole day to bring the city completely to its knees (physically and politically). This was what the Kami No Me was for, and Langford City would be the first victim in centuries to drink from its cup of destruction.

Yuri and Izuku kept watching over the twins as they both sat down, taking one of the postures of the Buddha while reciting the incantations taught to them by Drey to invoke the Spirit of Destruction.

Within minutes, the manifestation began. Izuku and Yuri watched in awe and wonder as several red clouds formed in the sky in less than a minute, large enough to cover the entire city and a lot lower than usual.

It was as if the fury of the heavens was focused directly upon the city.

And to everyone's terror, at the center of the heavenly storm, two large glowing red eyes formed and opened, triggering several flashes of lightning that struck down from the clouds and set multiple structures in the city ablaze.

Mia, Ken, Jin, and Akito were running on the streets, heading to the breached walls to join the fight against the invaders, when this happened. The sight of this stunned them, striking fear into their hearts so deeply that they couldn't move, and several civilians were with them.

Meanwhile, Drey's glee and excitement only heightened the more when this happened, even though he was right in the middle of a battle against two elite operatives.

"Ha Ha! It is finally happening! God is about to rain judgment from the heavens and reveal himself to this city! He said this excitedly as Zaraki and Hirai grew more tired and frustrated.

Every civilian in the city watched as both eyes blinked for the first time, triggering a devastating downpour of fire and brimstone from the sky upon the city.

Each meteor was over ten feet wide and heavily ablaze.

The first meteor crashed upon the Kristos Basilica, bringing down the 70-foot-high golden statue of their supreme god Dominus to the ground and shattering it into pieces on impact.

To everyone who witnessed this, it was a public testimony that God had left them and this was their guaranteed day of destruction... while the burning meteors kept falling, destroying everything in their path.


The earth shook violently, causing several smaller buildings to crumble from the tremor. The royal castle still stood strong though, as it was built for things such as these.

The King, Atsushi Watanabe, sat on his throne, worried about everything going on presently, as were all his subjects before him in the throne room.

It just became vehemently clear that the city would be destroyed at best within a few hours at this rate, no matter how hard they tried.

"Your majesty, don't you think this is the right time to dispatch the Arutimetsu?" asked a senator.

"Are you sure, Senator Hinabi?" "The initiative was created to be used as our last resort," said the king.

"Your Majesty, we have no choice." Dispatching the Arutimetsu was supposed to be our last resort, and this is the best time for that. "We have nothing else!" He replied, and the rest of the nobles at the round table agreed.

After over a minute of pondering, he pressed on, running out of patience.

"We have no time, King Watanabe!"

The king sighed in defeat; he did not want to do this, but he now had to,

"Do it," he instructed.

The senator nodded in response and sent a messenger as he said, optimistically hoping this war would soon be over as the King had just brought forth his trump card against the invaders.