Chapter 49 - Old Wounds (3)

Jin was not comfortable with this.

Mia was looking so pathetic right now, and it made him upset. She doesn't have to be like this; she didn't have to shoulder the burden of guilt alone. It wasn't fair to her.

This was not the Mia he knew. It was as if she had built up a new persona just to ease her burden of guilt without realizing it was only doing more harm than good.

Jin was about to do something stupid as well—he was about to confront Mia to make her snap out of it. He wanted her to be her old self while still being accountable for what happened.

"Some leader you are," Jin said. "Get your act together, Mia!"

Now it was Ken's turn to get involved.

"Jin, stop!" Ken said, knowing Jin was on the brink of saying something he would regret.

Jin sighed and went off, but before he got out of sight, Akito's mother called out to him,
