Chapter 63 - Evil Revealed

"... Because we are THE products of it?" "Are there not people within this clan with abilities because of the Source?" Mu Lei asked, implying that Lady Haruka's answer did not seem to add up with what they have observed.

"You are right, Mu Lei. "That IS the case, but, for the creation of the Arutimetsu, we took an unorthodox approach, and from the exploits you performed during the invasion, it is safe to say that it was an overwhelming success," she said.

"You mean we turned out better than you thought we would?" Mu Lei asked.

"Yes, that is exactly what I mean, which is why I refused to mass-produce more people like you." "Frankly, it is because you are overpowered... and from what happened today, it is safe to say that the Kingdom is not quite ready to handle you three yet, so I could only imagine how the Kingdom would cope with an entire army of Arutimetsu," the female chief explained. "The Kingdom will crumble in on itself... ", she joked.