Chapter 74 - Fighting the Empire - A Heavy Condition

"So, Nobuharu, what is it you wish to discuss privately?" King Ino asked after locking the door behind him.

"I have a request to make, King Ino," Nobuharu stated as the King walked over to his table and sat down, gesturing for him to do the same as well. So he sat down also before the King and asked, "And what might that be, Nobuharu?"

"I wish to learn druidic magic," Nobuharu simply said to him.

The King cleared his throat. "Well, Nobuharu, you have to be a lot more specific than that," he said to him.

"I wish to learn dragon magic," Nohuharu clarified to the King.

"Interesting... "What aspect of the dragon's magic do you wish to learn?" the King asked him.

"The main part of it is the art of taming, raising, and slaying dragons," Nobuharu clarified, "and I want to know it all."

The King sighed before asking, "Forgive my skepticism, but based on what you told us, you are not able to use your celestial abilities anymore, correct?"