Chapter 75 - Emperor Magus, The Zion King

very far away...

Deep in the heart of the Zion Empire...

At the pinnacle of the mighty capital city was the Emperor's Castle. It was the tallest building in the capital city and the greatest wonder of the land.

Inside the castle lived the great Emperor, the ruler of the great and vast Zion Empire, the one that was just a few steps away from completely conquering the Nihonian Continent, the Zion King himself... Magus Wormwood.

He had the look of a generic sorcerer, having long white hair with a long white beard and wearing a white kimono. The only things he lacked to complete his generic look would be a sorcerer's hat and a long wooden staff or wand.

But letting his appearance fool you would be your last and greatest mistake, as his power was unparalleled in all of the Empire. Underneath the heavy kimono was a strong man, whom, though advanced in years, by training and magical craft had evaded the grasp of ageing and death for several decades.