Chapter 77 - A King's Doom

King Watanabe sat on his bed in his private chambers. It was roughly 4 a.m., and daybreak was nowhere to be observed. He had just woken up from a nightmare—a deep nightmare that he knew would continue to haunt him until his death.

The nightmare was about his impending death, his inevitable doom at the hands of his enemies, and the approaching final destruction of the Langford Kingdom.

Sweat dripped from his brows and nose as he looked down, watching the sweat drops fall right on his blanket. Soon after, he managed to get up and then headed to a nearby mirror with a bowl of water.

When he got to the mirror, he could barely recognize himself. He looked so tired and pale that he hoped nobody would have to see him like this. So with the water in the bowl, he washed his face repeatedly until he felt his face had gotten better.

After he was done, he took up a lamp and headed for the door when he heard a familiar voice pronounce his name.