Chapter 78 - A Princess's Destiny

It was now slightly past 7 o'clock in the morning, but the king had not started his work for the day. He had managed to clean himself up but remained in his casual robes, refusing to don his royal attire as expected of the King during work hours.

He wanted to skip work today if need be, as he needed time to process some things. A few minutes ago, he summoned his daughter to break the news to her—at least, as much as he believed she could bear at the moment.

He did not want to burden her with a load of care for now, but instead wanted her to learn the basics of what it meant to be a queen and leave the complicated stuff for fate to handle when he is gone.

It was not long after when a familiar knock came on the door, one that was so unique that he could stake his life on the fact that it was his daughter waiting on the other side of the door.