Chapter 92 - Another Mutual Understanding

Princess Maria walked with Jin back into the room she had slept in with the others and sat on the bed while Jin stood before her, standing still at attention.

"At ease, Jin," the princess said to him, "I did not call you here to berate you but for an important discussion."

So Jin stood at ease and rested his back on the wall behind him, relaxed yet curious to find out what this was all about.

"So Jin, how are you?" the princess asked with a smile, one that confused him rather than comforted him.

Did the princess just call him here for small talk?

But he had to answer anyway, as it would have been rude to do otherwise. "I am alright, my lady," he said frankly.

"Your comrades do not think so," the princess said to him, "do you not think you have changed in any way recently?"

"What changed?" Jin asked. "I was just enlightened, nothing more."